As any football fan or star-crossed lover knows only too well: passion means suffering. In Christian theology "The Passion" is specifically the suffering of Jesus in the moments leading up to and including his crucifixion. Passionswege - can therefore be seen as equivalent to the 14 stations of the cross. The Passionswege at Vienna Design Week has only very little with the morbid brutality of Jesus' walk to Calvary and has much more related to the modern definition of passion; affection,
read moreAlthough trained as a sculpture Henning Koppel is probably best remembered for his work as a silversmith; be it designing jewelry, cutlery services or other table and household wares. Henning Koppel also designed lamps, and Pandul have now re-issued his 1972 creation Bubi. Originally produced in brass by Louis Poulsen, the 2010 Pandul re-issue comes in chrome, an aesthetic nod towards Koppel's mastery with silver. What we particularly like about Bubi is that you can use it as a pendant
read moreAsk most people to name a Danish furniture designer and they will probably reply Verner Panton or Arne Jacobsen. Ask them to name a Swedish furniture designer and the answer will probably have four letters - three of which are vowels. Flat pack furniture is in itself no bad thing, but it is a little bit sad when a country that has so much furniture design talent to offer, is represented in the public consciousness by a universal brand. Sweden are the partner country at this year's Vienna
read moreWe didn't make it to SaloneSatellite at this years Milan furniture fair. We we're, somewhat ironically, to busy getting wound up at the fact that Milan is now so big and expensive it's all but impossible to find anything. Fortunately Thomas Geisler from the Vienna Design Week organising team doesn't let such things annoy him and did go to SaloneSatellite. Where he saw Antoinette Bader and her LacesLamp. With whom he spoke. Who then applied for a space on the Carte Blanche programme at
read moreFor us the Wiener Palais Liechtenstein is a building with almost religious meaning. For it was, in many ways, the place where Michael Thonet got his first big break - and so the point from where the Thonet story starts to turn and to become a success story. Some have Mecca, others Bethlehem - and we have a 17th century garden residence in north Vienna. All of which speaks volumes for the quality of our social lives. For the Vienna Design Week, in contrast, the Liechtenstein Museum is the
read more"What, another design week?!" While the rest of the (smow)HQ tried to work out which city we hadn't been to this year; we quietly packed our cameras for yes, another design week. And certainly design weeks are the new film festival - every self-respecting city has to have one. Which is fine by us. And this week it's Vienna Design Week. The 2010 Vienna Design Week programme features - in addition to the usual array of exhibitions - a series of workshops, installations and talks with and
read moreFor reasons that have always escaped us Finn Juhl remains one of the forgotten men of Danish design. Or maybe we just move in the wrong circles. Either way we were delighted when last year Onecollection re-issued Finn Juhl's 1951 "Baker Sofa" and are even more pleased that they have now re-introduced the matching Cocktail coffee table. Because it is just delightful. In addition Onecollection have also re-issued a Finn Juhl desk, Nyhavn; so-called because Juhl used such desks in his office
read moreAwards ceremonies are all well and good - but much more important is the exhibition to accompany the contest. And until October 10th the Industrial Museum Chemnitz is hosting the International Marianne Brandt Contest 2010 exhibition. We had planned to write a long text - changed our mind and instead present here a few impressions of our pick of the exhibits. We can however strongly recommend the exhibition; not only for those interested in art and design - but also for all those who are open
read moreAlthough the Marianne Brandt Contest is on the surface about Marianne Brandt, the awards ceremony in Chemnitz on Friday stood very much under a different star. "Chemnitz - Stadt der Moderne"/ "Chemnitz - The Modernist City" Every single official speech rammed home the message; "Chemnitz - Stadt der Moderne" being repeated ad nauseum ad infinitum in the hope that if one said it often enough it may just come true. "I want a pony !" "I want a pony !" "I want a pony !" "I want a pony !" "I want
read moreOwner/Designer: Rui Alves Established: 2001 Location: Paços de Ferreira, Portugal Products: Hold on Sample MIU Fiss family Welcome to the Jungle Avô (smow)blog: Why did you decide for a career in industrial design? Rui Alves: It was more or less a natural decision; I grew up, and indeed am still, surrounded by family members who work with wood. And so I’ve always been surrounded by materials and tools and thinking about making things with my fathers and grandfathers tools. In addition
read moreWhen we heard that the 2010 International Marianne Brandt Contest exhibition was going to be held in the Industrial Museum, Chemnitz, our first thought was: that's a bit harsh. We know the city's fortunes haven't been the best since the end of the DDR - but to label the whole city as nothing more than a tourist attraction dedicated to artificially maintaining happier memories of times long since past.... Hardly fair. It turns out that the Industrial Museum Chemnitz is actually a Museum in
read moreWe don't want to take anything away from Erik Wester's work; but it's saying something when one of the best new products we found at CORE 10 was from a Norwegian who studied in London and now lives and works in Amsterdam. Standing Task Light by Erik Wester In principle the idea isn't new. One of the major problems with lighting, and in particular with standard lamps, is achieving a useful, directable illumination. Your granny's standard lamp shone downwards - the light emitted was perhaps
read moreAs already stated our visit to Copenhagen and CORE 10 was without question one of our more disappointing trips. Largely because of the complete lack of imagination, innovation or indeed quality that we found. It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life. What do you mean? Well, at one point, you've got it, then you lose it. And it's gone forever. All walks of life. Georgie Best, for example, had it, lost it. Or David Bowie or Danish design. Danish design. Some of their modern stuff's
read moreOn September 14th the Bauhaus Archiv in Berlin opened an exhibition devoted to Hajo Rose. "Hajo Rose"? Now we have to admit that when we first read the Bauhaus Archiv press release announcing the exhibition we were at a loss. "Hajo Rose"?? Even Wikipedia could only offer us a couple of sentences in Dutch. Worse still, the catalogue at the Deutsche Bucherei - an institution that possess one copy of every book ever published in Germany ever since the beginning of time ever - offered us 2
read moreWhile the border between inspiration are plagiarism can be as fine as that between genius and madness or English footballers girlfriends and ... no, we'll leave that comparison there. There are also those that are so obvious one has to celebrate them. And every year the German society "Action Plagiarius" present the Plagiarius Awards to do just that. Nominations for this years awards can be made until November the 2nd. Full details and a list of last years winners can be found at
read moreOwners/Designers: Alexander Stamminger and Nik Back Established: 2007 Location: Blaufelden, Baden-Württemberg Products: Luca lean Luca stand Ten Line Turn Superemma (smow)blog: Let’s start at the very beginning, where did you meet? maigrau: We both studied Industrial design at the Kunstakademie in Stuttgart, and we have known each other since the first semester – so since 2003 - and we completed our studies in 2008. (smow)blog: And immediately formed maigrau… maigrau: … exactly. In
read moreAlthough it is probably fair to say that most people associate USM Haller furniture with offices, not all see it so. Partly fuelled by a desire amongst customers for individual furniture that meets their specific requirements and partly by a rise in the number of people working from home, System USM Haller is increasingly starting to dominate domestic as well as commercial settings. Kitchen units, multi-media cabinets, even baby changing tables - the flexibility of the USM Haller System is
read moreFor one of Denmark's most celebrated designers Verner Panton spent considerably little time in Denmark; and many most of his celebrated works were realised abroad. That said Copenhagen is full of reminders of Verner Panton, his life, his work and his passions. And so during our brief visit to the Danish capital we took the opportunity to meet up with one his Vitra Panton Chairs for a guided tour of Verner Panton's Copenhagen. Our tour began, as did Panton's association with Copenhagen, at
read moreThe motivation for the (smow)chair began with Chairless by Alejandro Aravena for Vitra. Although a truly delightful product we were somewhat irritated by the fact that the design for Chairless wasn't that, well, "chairless" : rather replaces the tensions within a chair with the tensions in the users body. The user becoming the chair and consequently limited in their movement while using Chairless. But because the "chairless" concept so impressed us we decided to take the opportunity
read moreWhile others amused themselves at Tendence in Frankfurt, we headed of to Copenhagen and CODE 10. We're not saying that was a mistake; but we're equally unconvinced that it was the best idea we've ever had. And we've had some really poor ideas. "You're not getting any younger, Denmark. The world is changing, design is changing, even materials are changing. You can't stay in here all day dreaming about bent plastic and Arnold Jacobsen." "It's Arne Jacobsen" Despite the promises in advance that
read moreOn the last Sunday of the school summer holidays over 35 production companies in and around Kassel stage an annual collective "Open Day" - Blauer Sonntag. The name may be an extremely complex and over ambitious pun - the idea is however much more agreeable and this year we took the opportunity to visit Thonet in Frankenberg(Eder). For not only was Blauer Sonntag the first "official" event for the new Thonet Wohnshowroom, but visitors also had the rare opportunity to observe the Thonet wood
read moreWhen most people get itchy feet they go the podiatrist. We go on tour. For attractive as late summer evenings here in Lower East Plagwitz Village undoubtedly are, they pale against the charms of Thonet in Frankenberg(Eder), CODE 10 in Copenhagen, Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven and Vienna Design Week in ... Vienna. Reports, photos, videos - and cake reviews - to follow.
read moreAugust 20th marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Finnish architect/designer Eero Saarinen. Eero Saarinen had - in all probability - very little career choice other than that of architect: Not only was his father Eliel Saarinen one of Finland's most celebrated architects, but two of his uncles followed the same profession. In addition his mother, Loja Gesellius Saarinen, was a sculptress and textile designer. Eero Saarinen spent his first 13 years in his birthplace, Kirkkonummi on the
read moreTime was when social networking for businesses meant cocktail parties, tennis clubs and the Freemasons. Time Was. However Time Is and in the modern commercial world social networking means Facebook, Twitter, X-ing et al Not only as a marketing tool but also as an increasingly important instrument for communicating with customers, gathering feedback and handling criticism. In addition a recent survey by Edison Research among twitter users in the USA indicated that for many consumers
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