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EuroDesignExhibition: "Sit down please" 40 Stools from 40 Countries

Despite the fact the everyone knows that the Eurovision Song Contest hasn't been any good since Bucks Fizz got all pseudo-erotic in Dublin in 1981: the carcass of the dream is still flogged remorselessly every spring. Last year Germany won and so on May 14th Dusseldorf will host European broadcasting's biggest gannet fest. Perhaps the saddest aspect of the whole tawdry spectacle is that amid the drive to appeal to the lowest common denominator of European taste, the identity and

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Erwan Bouroullec @ Orgatec 2010
Designer | 22.03.2011

Orgatec 2010 Interview: Erwan Bouroullec

Vitrastanden på Orgatec 2010 var domineret af især to tegnestuers arbejde: Antonio Citterio og Ronan og Erwan Bouroullec. Udover at præsentere nye variationer af deres Alcove Sofa og Playns 'workstation', løftede Vitra også sløret for Bouroullecs nye 'Communal Cells' - modulære skillevægge/indretningsarkitektur-systemer og deres 'High Meeting Table'. Foruden at diskutere de to brødres kommende yacht-projekt, talte vi også om de nye Vitraprodukter, om hvordan brødrernes eget kontor ser

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Buchmesse | 14.03.2011

Leipzig Buchmesse 2011

In a past life we earned our living from grapes - we grew them and others turned them into wine. Back then our year had a comforting cadence and seasons that meant something. Then came our wild period in the international designer furniture world - days and months merging, senselessly, into one another. Thankfully, older and wiser our year once again follows the peaceful, pastoral, pattern of old. January IMM Cologne February Stockholm Design Week March Leipzig Buchmesse etc etc etc

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Salone Milano: Is Milan Design Week still relevant?

We're fairly certain we posed this question last year - but proudly do so again. Is Milan Design Week still relevant - or is it just a big waste of time, money and resources? The question raises its head because we are currently sitting here planning firstly if we're going to go and secondly if so in what sort of numbers and with what aims. Last year we collected a few opinions on the purpose and function of Milan Design Week and Salone Milano- and among other comments Ronan Bouroullec mused

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Designer | 07.03.2011

(smow)introducing: Christoffer Martens

Name: Christoffer Martens Born: Bremen, 1975 Alma mater: Product Design, University of Applied Science, Potsdam Internships: Alfredo Häberli, Zürich Products: Siebenschläfer for Nils Holger Moormann, Aschau im Chiemgau Spross for Nils Holger Moormann, Aschau im Chiemgau Obstrutsche for emform, Bockhorn Buchhalter Potbase (smow)blog: How did you arrive at product design? Christoffer Martens: I initially trained as a graphic designer and then worked in a media agency for a few years.

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Designer | 21.02.2011

Stockholm Design Week: Axel Bjurström

We don't suppose it will come as any real surprise that we were taken by Axel Bjurström's Dolly Table. Part Gangsta Lean, part Collecteur, part Liesmichl, part inspired genius - we really couldn't not like it. A graduate of Konstfack, Stockholm's renowned design university, Axel Bjurström established his own studio Bjurström Design in 2004. Although much of his work until now has been interior design Axel also creates his own pieces. And that with a wonderfully light yet self-confident

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designers fair | 19.02.2011

IMM Cologne 2011: Review

It's fair to say that for us the real shock of IMM Cologne 2011 was the number of senseless sofa combinations and truly, truly, hideous leather cantilever dining chairs on show. And that despite that fact we were expecting such. It of course wasn't all cheap pointless tat, there were also some wonderful young designers on show and one or two brave producers with genuinely interesting, innovative and aesthetically coherent product ranges. They were sadly in the minority - and we fear that in

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Designer | 16.02.2011

(smow)introducing: Erik Wester

Name: Erik Wester Born: Oslo, Norway Alma mater: Furniture and product design, Kingston University London Products: Standing Task Light Tartan Modular (smow)blog: Why the decision to become a product designer? Erik Wester: That’s what I like doing! Since I was small I’ve been interested in drawing and building and was searching for what I could use my skills for and arrived at product and furniture design. (smow)blog: And why the decision to study Product and Furniture Design at

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Pantonudstilling: Interview med kurator Ida Engholm

Ida Engholm, forskningslektor ved Dansk Center for Designforskning er kurator for den akutuelle Pantonudstilling på den danske ambassade i Berlin. Forud for åbningen talte vi med Ida Engholm om Verner Pantons karriere og indflydelse, og om Verner Panton ville have taget digital design til sig. (smow)blog: Det indlysende første spørgsmål er, hvor starter man når man skal kuratere en udstilling om en designer som Verner Panton? Ida Engholm: Udgangspunktet for denne udstilling var en ung tysk

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Designer | 11.02.2011

Stockholm Design Week: 20 designers at BIOLOGISKA

At the risk of repeating ourselves - one of the main reasons to visit a design week is the chance it offers to visit locations that one otherwise probably wouldn't. And we've had some truly wonderful experiences: but only a few that top 20 designers at BIOLOGISKA. Officially Biologiska is a natural history museum. Officially. Based on the form of traditional Norwegian stave churches the quaint if unassuming exterior cannot, simply cannot, prepare the visitor for what is inside. Climbing

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Designer | 11.02.2011

Stockholm Design Week 2011: Interview with Front

As part of Stockholm Design Week 2011 Kartell presented the magazine rack Front Page by Stockholm design studio Front. Clever word play and all..... Although formally launched at Milan 2010 Front Page is only now making it's way into the shops and as such presented a wonderful excuse for a Front "home gig". Having already worked with producers such as Moroso, Established & Sons or moooi, Front Page is Front's first product for and with Kartell. At the product launch in the Stockholm

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Designer | 09.02.2011

Stockholm Design Week: Air by Florian Ganter

Anyone who understands our biography will appreciate that a German who spent some time studying in Edinburgh and now lives in Helsinki will be of interest to us. But it wasn't Florian Ganter's biography that drew us to him and to his tool-free adjustable shelf system Air. Or at least not directly. Displayed on the Aalto University School of Design stand we initially thought - in a very lazy fashion - there's a nice bit of Finnish design. And then - considering it a little more seriously -

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Designer | 08.02.2011

Stockholm Design Week 2011: Interview with Arik Levy

Guest of Honour at the Stockholm Furniture Fair 2011 is the Israel born / Paris based designer Arik Levy. In addition to being the public face of the the furniture fair, Arik Levy is also responsible for designing the lounge area and will hold an hour long lecture and question/answer session. Ahead of his opening speech we spoke to Arik Levy about his decision to come to Stockholm, Swedish design and the all pervasive secrecy in the design world. (smow)blog: Why have you agreed to be

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Designer | 08.02.2011

Stockholm Design Week 2011: Vindobona by Claesson Koivisto Rune @ Åmells

The similarities between Vienna and Stockholm are not limited to the architecture per se. But also to the architects who open the Design Weeks. At least for us! For just as at Vienna Design Week, so was our first Stockholm Design Week vernissage Vindobona by Claesson Koivisto Rune. It may not have been in quite so splendorous a setting as the Palais Liechtenstein; however the showrooms of Stockholm art dealer Åmells were a more than fitting location for Claesson Koivisto Rune's entrancing

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Designer | 04.02.2011

Pantonudstilling i Berlin: Interview med Marianne Panton

I 1962 mødtes Verner Panton og Marianne Pherson Oertenheim under en ferie på Tenerife, og to år senere blev parret gift i Basel. Udover at være Verner Pantons kone, var Marianne Panton også hans de facto-direktør, og hun arbejdede tæt sammen med sin mand i alle aspekter af hans arbejde. Forud for udstillingen på den danske ambassade talte vi med Marianne Panton om Verner Pantons arbejde, og om hvad der i sin tid havde indflydelse på dette - og om hvordan hun blev den første fotomodel for

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Designer | 02.02.2011

Designers Fair, Cologne 2011

The first thing to say about Designers Fair 2011 is that it was smaller than last year. The second point to say is that the location was a lot poorer than last. The first point is in itself no bad thing - the second is. Now you know us. For us one of the genuine joys of a design week is the chance it offers to explore a city and to visit those areas that one otherwise wouldn't see. And the 2011 Designers Fair location in Ehrenfeld was in that sense good as it provided a focal point for our

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smow | 02.02.2011

(smow)blog nu på dansk!

Hej Danmark! På grund af antallet af læsere fra Danmark besluttede vi at det var på tide at tilbyde (smow)blogtekster på dansk. De danske tekster vil ikke blive udgivet hver dag, og heller ikke nødvendigvis hver uge, men vi vil regelmæssigt offentliggøre et udvalg af vores blogtekster på dansk. Alle tekster bliver arkiveret her: Mange tak til det danske oversætterhold - hvis du har nogen spørgsmål eller forslag så tøv ikke med at kontakte os via

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Designer | 31.01.2011

Designers Fair 2011: SuperSputnik by Sisman

Just as Hannibal always loved it when a plan came together - so for us it is always a moment of extreme satisfaction when a product really is as good as we thought it probably would be. We first saw SuperSputnik by Stuttgart based designer Ahmet Sismanoglu a.k.a Sisman at DMY Berlin 2010 However owing to an, as ever, over-filled schedule never got round to more than admiring it from afar. And so at Designers Fair in Cologne we briefly ignored our schedule to grab a few words with Ahmet and

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Artek | 27.01.2011

IMM Cologne 2010: Artek 75 @ Droom/Design Your Room

At IMM Cologne Finnish producer Artek continued their 75th Anniversary celebrations with a small show at Droom/Design Your Room in Cologne's Belgian Quarter. We'll write more on the Artek story from the Stockholm Design Week; but for now a few impressions from Cologne.

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IMM Cologne 2011: Richard Lampert - Kids Only

Richard Lampert is no newcomer to the world of kids designer furniture: products such as the Eiermann Children's desk - a reduced, child friendly version of the Egon Eiermann table frame - or the Turtle kids swivel chair by Peter Horn having become established family favourites. However, irritated by the general lack of high quality, designer furniture available for children, Richard Lampert decided to initiate his own range - with the help of a wonderful array of young international design

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IMM Cologne 2011: Design braucht Täter

One of the things that separates the world of independent product designers from the commercial giants is the level of cooperation and community that exists. Whereas one can't really imagine, for example, Vitra and Fritz Hansen jointly presenting Verner Panton re-issues at a trade fair; among young and independent designers there are fewer such hang-ups. And even a few "cooperatives" - for want of a better phrase - who regularly put on collective shows during design weeks and on the fringe

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Designer | 24.01.2011

IMM Cologne 2011: Müller Möbelfabrikation

One of the unfortunate weaknesses of IMM Cologne is the general lack of new products on show - either at the fair itself or out and about at the fringe events. That's not 100% IMM's fault rather the collective failing of a furniture industry that continues to focus, almost paranoid, on the Milan Design Week. Fortunately there are one or two producers who are prepared to use IMM to launch new products - including Augsburg based Müller Möbelfabrikation. Perhaps most eye catching of Müller

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design talents | 21.01.2011

IMM Cologne 2011: d3 Design Talents

As with all furniture trade fairs IMM annually gives part of the floor space over to young, up and coming, designers. In three themed sections "d3 Design Talents" offers space for design colleges - d3 Schools - those further on the way to establishing themselves - d3 Professionals - and a competition - d3 Contest. "Space" is however not only a relative term - but one that cannot be defined by physical measurements. As we learned on the journey to Congress-Centrum Ost! d3 Design Talents : d3

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Designer | 17.01.2011

(smow)introducing: Christian Lessing

Name: Christian Lessing Alma mater: Kommunikations Design und Illustration, Düsseldorf Products: Balcony 08 Leichtgewicht Nachtflug Window Garden Grip Shelving (smow)blog: How did you arrive at product design? Christian Lessing: After leaving school I initially trained as a carpenter, then after a couple of years overseas I started studying graphic design in Düsseldorf. My specialization at college was Illustration, but I also built 3D objects. After finishing college I then worked

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