Until July 31st we are giving readers the chance to win a limited edition Dark Lime Panton Chair. In effect we are swapping a Dark Lime Panton Chair for a summer cocktail/mixed drink recipe. The best wins! In order to give you some ideas and inspiration we have asked several Vitra VIPs for their favourite recipe. Today Vitra Chief Design Officer Eckart Maise shares his Caipirinha recipe He obvioulsy can't win - but he can share a recipe!!! As the man who commissioned works such as Tip Ton
read moreFollowing on from Summaery at the Bauhaus University Weimar our summer tour 2011 took us on to Einblick at the Fachhochschule Potsdam. Or FHP:-) to give it its formal title. One of Germany's newest design schools - the first communication design course at the FHP:-) began in 1992, product design joining in 1993 - the college has quickly built up a strong reputation for the quality of its teaching and research. But not for its logo. Or FHP;-) as witticisms are presumably supposed to be
read moreIf A. C. F. Beales is to be believed, Leopold George Christian Frederick is probably the only person ever to have walked out of the job of King. Only to pick up an equal post some 2 months later. In his article "The Irish king of Greece" (The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 51, 1931 Part 1 pp. 101-105) Beales argues that Leopold accepted the job as King of Greece in February 1830, but then changed his mind in May 1830 following disputes with Britain over loans to help Greece out of its
read moreSummer. Sun. Cocktails. In order to allow you to enjoy this combination to the full (smow) are giving away a Dark Lime Panton Chair. To be in with chance of winning a limited edition summer 2011 version of Verner Panton's classic cantilever chair, simply tell us your favourite summer cocktail or mixed drink recipe; alcoholic or non-alcoholic. The only rule is that it must contain a slice of lime! And be perfect for a long summers evening in a Vitra Panton Chair! The competition is open
read moreArable farmers are famously living, breathing weather databases. Ask one what the weather was like in July four years ago and they'll tell you. While explaining why it was bad for the crop. Regardless of how the weather was. Designs journalists are similar. Summaery 2010 lived up to its billing and was very Summery. Summaery 2011 wasn't. It was more Autumnery. Which of course didn't distract from our enjoyment. We just wanted to crowbar that pun in. A central feature of Summaery 2011 was
read moreResearching a text on Donald Judd ahead of the opening of the exhibition "Donald Judd. A good chair is a good chair" at Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum in Munich, we came across an essay he wrote in 1993 called "It’s Hard to Find a Good Lamp" We're not claiming any major scoop here - the text is published on the website of the Donald Judd Foundation and is freely available to all. It was however new for us. And we think we may have a new hero. An engaging, if at times
read moreLuddites! Not a phrase normally associated with (smow) To the best of our knowledge no (smow)employee has ever smashed an iPad or capped a WiFi service in protest at the creeping and increasingly obsessive proliferation of technology into our lives. Despite that, the early summer weeks in the (smow)HQ were dominated by the preparation and production of the very first (smow)catalogue. That's print catalogue. So on paper. With ink. Luddites? Au contraire nos amis! Not only is the
read moreIf DMY Berlin 2011 had one small disappointment for us it was that Helsinki based German designer Florian Ganter wasn't there with his delightful AIR shelving system. And that despite DMY Berlin being a German design fair with a 2011 focus on Finland. Fortunately, during the festival we received Florian's latest press photos for AIR. Photos which improve greatly on our Stockholm efforts. As we wrote from Stockholm, AIR is just a wonderfully simple, multifaceted modular shelving system that
read moreAmong the most innovative exhibition concepts we saw at DMY 2011 was that from the Holland based Portuguese design platform Made out Portugal. They showed their works in the back of a truck. Or at least they did at the beginning - the combination of location and weather meaning that they did eventually have move indoors. But that's not to distract from the concept itself. Beloved by governments and state institutions looking to increase "participation", or indeed health service providers
read moreMany of you will no doubt remember our summer tour 2010. We'll it's that time of year again. Our 2011 summer tour kicks of on July 7th with the semester show at the HTW Dresden - the first time we've visited their show. We don't know why, we just feel we should go. Then on July 14th we'll be in Thüringen for the opening of Summaery 2011 at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Friday July 15th is Potsdam and the annual end of year show at the Fachhochschule. Then, as ever, its gets complicated.
read moreDa vi for nylig var på en lille rejse fik vi øje på en ægte Eames fiberglasbænk fra Herman Miller i en lufthavn. Tager man stedets ret begrænsede faciliteter i betragning, forekommer betegnelsen 'lufthavn' faktisk noget optimistisk, og vores hektiske fotografering af bænken og Herman Miller-klistermærkerne resulterede også i en del latter fra folk omkring os - altså folk, som bruger deres tid på at fotografere fly!! Herefter, da vi var faldet lidt ned efter den hektiske fotografering,
read moreFor all those looking to make their summer balcony even more exclusive, Vitra are currently offering the Panton Chair in a one-off summer 2011 Dark Lime edition. The offer is strictly limited on a first-come-first-serve basis, and only available online. That said, the dark lime Panton Chair costs the same as all other colours! An "exclusive" product at no extra cost. So to say. As with all Vitra Panton Chairs the „Summertime in dark lime" special edition is constructed from a special UV
read moreLast week we, finally, made our first visit to Design Miami Basel. Featuring 43 international design galleries, Design Miami Basel is a curious mix of those featuring "old" objects and those featuring new contemporary designs. Those galleries who concentrate on new contemporary design generally make their money in that they organise limited editions of concept pieces by designers - which they then sell. Or they buy up "first editions" of pieces of new works that may, they hope, eventually go
read moreThe Internet may not, as yet, have been able to provide us with a free lunch; but it has given us free software, music, photos and videos. But more importantly it has given us not only the means and methods by which we can share what we do, but also to alter what other people do so that it fits our requirements. And if the authors and editors behind "Open Design Now: Why Design Cannot Remain Exclusive" are to be believed - what is now an everyday norm in digital media will soon become just
read moreAmong the projects at Design Miami Basel 2011 that most appealed to us was without question Cloud by London architect Asif Khan. Conceived within Asif's tenure as one of the 2011 W Hotels Designers of the Future Award winners, Cloud can, at the most primitive level, probably be best described as floating foam. But as with all good design Cloud hides its true genius behind a facade of primitive simplicity. Cloud employs a mixture of Helium, soap and water to create irregular forms that rise
read moreFor their 2011 project the Berlin/Milan design group Transalpino chose to explore the "design" tradition that exists between their two cities. The fruits of their research were presented at DMY Berlin 2011under the title "Made in Between". To find out a little more about the project we spoke to Transalpino member Christoffer Martens. (smow)blog: Briefly, what is the background to "Made in Between"? Christoffer Martens: Normally one would only speak of Berlin as a design city or Milan as a
read moreAmong the new Vitra products launched in Milan one of the most eye-catching was Waver by Konstantin Grcic. Following an initial cooperation in the form of a Vitra Edition project, Waver is Konstantin Grcic's first commercial product for Vitra. Created for outdoor use Waver borrows heavily from the visual aesthetics of "lifestyle" sports to create a product that not only goes its own way formally but is also remarkably comfortable. In the second part of our interview with Konstantin Grcic we
read moreDuring DMY Berlin 2011 Daniel Wahl aka weltunit formally launched his new desk top Wilbur. Specially designed for the classic Egon Eiermann table frame, Wilbur's principle function is in helping the user regain control of their workspace. For all cable organisation. Unbeknown to many, Egon Eiermann only designed the table frame - the intention was that user should supply their own top. And indeed many of Eiermann's students simply used old doors on top of their frames. Back then everything
read moreFor all in or near Paris this summer the Dutch Invertuals exhibition "Matter of time" is showing at Gallery S.Bensimon from 16.06 until 11.07 One of our highlights of Dutch Design Week 2010, "Matter of time" presents projects from 8 design studios that use 600 year old wood that initially formed an entrance gate to "Old-Eindhoven" to create objects/installations which examine time in all its material and immaterial contexts. A particular favourite of ours is "Drawn by time" by EDHV - a piece
read more.... Greece. Congratulations to Yiannis Ghikas whose Monarchy Stool was awarded the coveted public prize. We caught up with Yiannis during DMY Berlin to find out a little more about the Monarchy Stool, his new coat hanger Game of Trust and the realities of life as product designer in Greece. That's all coming, but until then, here's a short video which beautifully explains the Monarchy Stool
read moreBack in February the VitraHaus in Weil am Rhein celebrated its first birthday. But was it all worth it? To find out more we spoke to Vitra Chief Design Officer Eckart Maise about one year VitraHaus and the plans for the future. (smow)blog: The VitraHaus is now one year old, are you satisfied with the first year? Eckart Maise: Yes, the VitraHaus has been a huge success and the resonance has been very positive both in respect of the number of visitors as well as the feedback. The Vitra Campus
read moreThis year we are finally going to make it to Design Basel. In the past something else always seemed to get in the way; be it illness, other appointments or a feeling deep in our stomachs that it was all just a touch too elitist and too far removed from the world of the normal designer furniture customer to justify the trip. But this year we're healthy, free and a little older and wiser. It in its 6th year Design Basel features exhibitions from 43 international design galleries showing an
read moreOne of the unseen aspects of the furniture industry is the relationship between dealer and producer. For most people their only contact with a furniture dealer is when buying a new sofa. Or bookshelves. And so most people assume that that it is all furniture shops do. Sell sofas. And bookshelves. However an important part of a, quality, furniture shop's business is concerned with larger scale contracts; for example fitting out offices, hotels or working with architects on a redevelopment
read moreOne of the genuine highlights of our year is DMY Berlin. Not just because it offers the chance to spend a week in Berlin, but because whereas all design festivals, inevitably, have a commercial aspect - at DMY Berlin it is not rammed down your throat. Conceptual, experimental design is just as welcome as market ready products, and one genuinely has the feeling that "design" is the only thing that matters. Egos, star allure and bottomless expense accounts belong elsewhere. DMY Berlin 2011 is
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