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Budapest Design Week 2014 Lola Women’s Boudoir by Helena Darbujánová
Designer | 19.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Budapest Design Week Special: Lola Women’s Boudoir by Helena Dařbujánová

Ever since Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec released their Alcove Sofa for Vitra in 2006 ever more furniture objects have appeared on the market which promise the owner the opportunity to create flexible room partition solutions. To create rooms within rooms and provide a place in which to separate yourself from a home that is becoming ever more an office. To find safety in the midst of the unending data, information and sensory flood. Or just amongst the kid's mess. And with very few exceptions,

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Dutch Design Week Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation 2014 Place Attachment Malou van Dijck
Designer | 18.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Dutch Design Week Special: Design Academy Eindhoven - Graduation 2014

Despite what popular myth may have you believe, the Design Academy Eindhoven is not alone responsible for Eindhoven's current status as one of the most important design city's in Europe. But love it or loath it there is no getting away from the Design Academy's influence on the development of contemporary European design. And so of course on Eindhoven's current status as one of the most important design city's in Europe. Consequently the annual Design Academy Graduate Show is one of the

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Vienna Design Week 2014 Servant by Katharina Wernig
Designer | 18.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Vienna Design Week Special: Servant by Katharina Wernig

At an otherwise disappointing presentation of projects by students from the TU Graz Institute of Spatial Design during Vienna Design Week, a genuine stand out project was the valet Servant by Katharina Wernig. Brazenly contradicting the position we took with Fidelio by Christian Spiess that a chair is the most natural form for a valet, Katharina Wernig has opted instead for a side table-cum-valet. Or at least side table-cum-semi-valet. For while in our book a valet must include an option for

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Schrill Bizarr Brachial Das Neue Deutsche Design der 80er Jahre Bröhan Museum Berlin Rocking Chair Stiletto Studios
Designer | 17.10.2014

Schrill Bizarr Brachial. Das Neue Deutsche Design der 80er Jahre at the Bröhan Museum Berlin

"Marcel Breuer seeing a pair of bicycle handle-bars decided to make chairs using the same industrial process. The new world constructor seeing a pair of bicycle handle-bars decides to use them as they are and save himself the trouble and expense of bending the tube."1 So articulated Jasper Morrison in his 1984 text "The Poet will not Polish" not only the theoretical background to his Handlebar Table, but much more the frustration and alienation being felt at that time by a young generation of

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Budapest Design Week madeinhungary 2014 Cardboard Room Divider János Terbe Karton Design
Designer | 16.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Budapest Design Week Special: Cardboard Room Divider by János Terbe

Much like crisps, cardboard furniture is something with which we have a very troubled relationship. However whereas with crisps the problem is saying no: with cardboard furniture it is saying yes. We know that cardboard furniture makes sense, or at least can make sense. We even once developed our own cardboard chair, the (smow) chair But most cardboard furniture simply doesn't appeal to us. There is invariably something about the form, the construction or a pig ugly aesthetic we simply

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Made in Germany Politik mit Dingen Der Deutsche Werkbund 1914 Werkbundarchiv Museum der Dinge Berlin

(smow) blog compact: Made in Germany – Politik mit Dingen. Der Deutsche Werkbund 1914 at the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge Berlin

In 1907 a loose association of German architects, artists and industrialists joined forces as the Deutsche Werkbund - the German Industrial Association. Principally established with the aim of helping German industry adapt to the technological advances of the age and so help them both prepare for the forthcoming industrialisation and ensure that the coming challenges were met with high quality products and healthy, happy workers, the Deutsche Werkbund founders were additionally motivated by a

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Stadt-Land-schafft smow Cologne Waidblicke 2014 Looker by dreiform
Architecture | 14.10.2014

Stadt-Land-schafft. smow Cologne present Waidblicke 2014. Reprise

As already noted, until Friday October 31st smow Cologne are presenting the exhibition Stadt-Land-schafft. Making use of smow Cologne's generous window space and even more generous Waidmarkt frontage, Stadt-Land-schafft presents eight interpretations of urban topology and the conflict/synergy between our natural and our built environments. And so, for example, Aachen based K2 Architekten present the installation Barb[el] which reflects on how city and countryside merge with one another without

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Gaudí Architecture Ahead of it's Time at the Architekturzentrum Wien
Architecture | 10.10.2014

Gaudí. Architecture Ahead of it's Time at the Architekturzentrum Wien

Ask most people what they identify as the central feature in the work of Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and they'll probably mention the abstract Gothic revival forms of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona or the flowing, organic mosaics of Park Güell. Certainly something visual, potentially something decorative. Ask art historian, critic and internationally recognised Antoni Gaudí expert Daniel Giralt-Miracle, and he won't. "The skeleton is the central feature of Gaudí's work, everything else

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Board chair & table by AU Workshop, as seen during Budapest Design Week 2014
Designer | 09.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Budapest Design Week Special: Table and Desk Chair by AU Workshop

Just to be clear: Despite posting twice about them in little over week, we're not paid to do PR for Budapest based architecture/design collective Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop. We've never even met AU Workshop. Nor spoken to AU Workshop. Nor had Email contact with AU Workshop. However, during our 2014 Danube Design Voyage we have been introduced to numerous examples of the collective's work. And have generally been very impressed with what we have seen. Such as their table which was

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Sensing the Future Lászlo Moholy-Nagy die Medien und die Künste at Bauhaus Archiv Berlin
Bauhaus | 08.10.2014

Sensing the Future: László Moholy-Nagy, die Medien und die Künste at the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin

In his 1936 film "Modern Times" Charlie Chaplin is famously swallowed by the wheels of progress in a short yet cutting critique on the problems and challenges technological and social change were bringing for the common man. Over a decade earlier the Hungarian artist and author László Moholy-Nagy had also began to approach and study the problems and challenges of modernity, of increasing technological innovation and the associated flood of new sensory experiences, and in their winter 2014/15

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Bratislava Design Week 2014 Transmission Lights Studio deFORM
Designer | 07.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Bratislava Design Week Special: Transmission Lights by Studio deFORM

At Bratislava Design Week 2014 Jakub Pollág and Václav Mlynář a.k.a. Studio deFORM re-premièred their Transmission light family; "re-premièred" because although initially created in 2012 for Prague based Kavalierglass, since earlier this year the lamp family have been part of the portfolio of another Czech glass manufacturer, Lasvit. Constructed from a series of concentric glass structures which become ever more elongated as their diameter shrinks, the Transmission lamps present an

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Bauhaus Die Kunst der Schüler Werke aus der Sammlung der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
Bauhaus | 06.10.2014

(smow) blog compact: Bauhaus. The Art of the Students. Works from the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau Collection

Although it is probably fair to say that today Bauhaus is best remembered for its architects and designers, art played a central role in the institution's programme. Albeit a central role which today is often over shadowed by the legacy of those artists who taught at Bauhaus. To rectify this situation the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau are presenting "Bauhaus. The Art of the Student", an exhibition which explores both Bauhaus' importance as an art college and also looks beyond the likes of Lyonel

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Budapest Design Week 2014 Design Without Borders madeinhungary meed jan lutyk matlak lutyk Pongrácz Farkas Albert Virág lamps
Designer | 04.10.2014

Budapest Design Week 2014: Design Without Borders - madeinhungary + meed

In 2014 the exhibition "madeinhungary" celebrates its 10th anniversary. What began as a presentation of contemporary Hungarian product design hosted as part of the Budapest "Home Trend" trade fair has existed since 2013 as an independent event staged during Budapest Design Week. And has slowly evolved into a sort of annual family get together for the Budapest design community. For the 2014 edition organisers, curators and project initiators Szilvia Szigeti and Tamás Radnóti have compiled a

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Vienna Design Week 2014 Passionswege Big-Game Wiener Silber Manufactur
Designer | 03.10.2014

Vienna Design Week 2014: Passionswege - Big-Game @ Wiener Silber Manufactur

For some 200 years Wiener Silber Manufactur have produced the finest silverware. Exquisite cutlery, table services, coffee pots and sugar bowls designed by both the firm's own craftsman and also developed in co-operation with external designers: works by leading protagonists of the Wiener Werkstätte such as Josef Hoffmann or Kolo Moser being joined over the decades by designs from and by the likes of Oswald Haerdtl, Otto Prutscher, Gregor Eichinger or Claesson Koivisto Rune. Yet regardless of

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Bratislava Design Week 2014 Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava Studio of Industrial Desig
Designer | 03.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Bratislava Design Week Special: Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava Studio of Industrial Design

Having announced in our introductory Bratislava Design Week post that we are in favour of a global network of regional design weeks that focus on local designers, we did of course start our coverage of Bratislava Design Week 2014 with a product designed by a Swiss designer and manufactured by an Austrian company. In our defence Fidelio by Christian Spiess was being displayed as part of the exhibition "Work is all around" and as such was in Bratislava because curators Lubica Husta and Viera

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Antonio Citterio pivot orgatec vitra
Designer | 03.10.2014

(smow) blog compact: To work sitting or standing, that is the question....

Whether 'tis nobler in the muscles to suffer The slings and arrows of short telomeres, Or to rise up against a sea of troubles, And by standing, extend them? In addition to articles on the wonders of handmade Swedish butter, the problems of supermarket etiquette and ill thought through editorials on the Scottish referendum, the English newspaper "The Guardian" occasionally publishes readable articles, one such being Dr Luisa Dillner's recent "Is sitting down bad for my health?" Citing

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Vienna Design Week TU Wien Light Thing

(smow) blog compact Vienna Design Week Special: TU Wien present Light Thing

In context of a 2014 summer semester project students from Vienna Technical University's Department for 3D Design and Model Construction were asked to develop a project which explored artificial light's potential to define a given space, and which in particular should encourage people to gather there. The results are being presented during Vienna Design Week in what is, without question, one of the best designed exhibitions at this years festival: a blacked out lower ground floor space in

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Vienna Design Week 2014 Passionswege Pedrita Studio Glaserei Stiefelmeyer
Designer | 02.10.2014

Vienna Design Week 2014: Passionswege – Pedrita Studio @ Glaserei Stiefelmeyer

We're spending an awful lot of time at Vienna Design Week 2014 photographing mirrors. If we were at all competent at what we do we would now wax lyrical about how mirrors are the "top tr**d" at Vienna Design Week 2014, an indication of contemporary designers desires to reflect the ills of modern society, to make us face up to our own social responsibility and question the increasing narcissistic nature of the human existence as exemplified by the ubiquitous selfie, and for all the daily flood

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Passagen Cologne 2014 System USM Haller Facetten (smow) Köln

(smow) blog compact: Stadt-Land-schafft. smow Cologne present Waidblicke 2014

"What was the best moment of your life?" ask Cologne based Pell Architekten in the introduction to their contribution to smow Cologne's forthcoming exhibition Waidblicke, "Has it been or is it still to come? OK, but along the way there's been good moments. Where were they?" Where indeed.... Since October 2013 smow Cologne have been resident in the city's Waidmarkt - The Woad Market - a location that can trace its history back to the Roman occupation of the modern Colonia and which achieved a

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Fidelio by Christian Spiess
Designer | 01.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Bratislava Design Week Special: Fidelio by Christian Spiess

According to Christian Holmsted Olesen, Hans J. Wegner's famous JH540 Valet Chair with its coat hanger shaped backrest and pop up seat almost never saw the light of day. Following its presentation at the 1951 Copenhagen Carpenters Guild Exhibition Wegner decided he didn't actually like the four legged chair after all, and announced that it shouldn't be produced. However King Frederik IX had seen it, was fascinated by both concept and design and demanded that it be produced. He wanted one. He

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Frugal Collection Cape Town harald bichler_rauminhalt Celia-Hannes

(smow) blog compact Vienna Design Week Special: Frugal Collection Cape Town at harald bichler_rauminhalt

In context of Cape Town's tenure as World Design Capital 2014 Franco-Austrian design and architecture studio Celia-Hannes spent six weeks on the Cape of Good Hope working with local residents and craftsman on questions surrounding contemporary living conditions and furniture. The first results of the cooperation are being presented during Vienna Design Week 2014 at design gallery harald bichler_rauminhalt. And no, it wasn't some neo-colonial "white man come help" project, or at least wasn't

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David Chipperfield Sticks and Stones an Intervention Installation view
Architecture | 01.10.2014

(smow) blog compact: David Chipperfield. Sticks and Stones at the Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin

In our 5 New Design Exhibitions for October 2014 post we noted the revolutionary construction techniques Ludwig Mies van der Rohe employed in his Villa Tugendhat Brno and Barcelona Expo Pavilion projects from 1929-30; in both cases the roof being fully supported by the outer walls thus freeing the interior walls of their load carrying function and as such allowing for a more open room division. At that time a genuinely new idea. Over thirty years after realising these works Mies van der Rohe in

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Vienna Design Week 2014 Passionswege Studio deFORM Rudolf Scheer & Söhne Mirror
Designer | 30.09.2014

Vienna Design Week 2014: Passionswege – Studio deFORM @ Rudolf Scheer & Söhne

The last time we visited the premises of Vienna shoemaker Rudolf Scheer & Söhne it was for the presentation of Antoinette Bader's LacesLamp project during Vienna Design Week 2010. Since then little has changed in the way Rudolf Scheer & Söhne make their shoes, but a lot has in terms of the space. Situated next to the company's main premises the so-called SHEER-Raum has been transformed from the dust and brick building site of then into a sensitively decorated and organised sales space. And a

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chmara.rosinke present Private Room
Designer | 30.09.2014

(smow) blog compact Vienna Design Week Special: chmara.rosinke present "Private Room"

As we alluded to in our post from Vienna based design studio chmara.rosinke's Passionswege 2013 project with Wäscheflott, we've not always been the biggest fans of the work of chmara.rosinke. Or better put Ania Rosinke and Maciej Chmara a.k.a. chmara.rosinke have regularly produced projects which have, in one way or another, caused us to roll our eyes helplessly skywards. On the other hand chmara.rosinke have also regularly impressed us. The aforementioned project with Wäscheflott being one

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