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moma good design
Architecture | 07.11.2014

(smow) blog Design Calendar: November 7th 1929 - The New York Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, Opens

"The belief that New York needs a Museum of Modern Art scarcely requires apology. All over the world the rising tide of interest in the modern movement has found expression not only in private collections but also in the formation of great public galleries for the specific purpose of exhibiting permanent as well as temporary collections of modern art. That New York has no such gallery is an extraordinary anachronism. The municipal museums of Stockholm, Weimar, Düsseldorf, Essen, Mannheim,

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HeuHütten.BergBauern.LandSchafft at the Schwäbisches Bauernhofmuseum Illerbeuren
Architecture | 06.11.2014

(smow) blog compact: HeuHütten.BergBauern.LandSchafft at the Schwäbisches Bauernhofmuseum Illerbeuren

Given the urban-centric view of the world most of us posses it's all to easy to forget that social and cultural change, and the associated problems, challenges and opportunities they bring, aren't limited to our cities. An exhibition of photographs of the Ostrach valley in Bavaria by local photographer Christian Heumader attempts to reinforce this point. Presented at the Schwäbisches Bauernhofmuseum Illerbeuren near Kempten im Allgäu as part of the Architekturforum Allgäu's LandLuft programme,

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prouve table vitrahaus plug lamp Form Us With Love atelje lyktan
Designer | 05.11.2014

(smow) blog compact: Plug Lamp by Form Us With Love for Ateljé Lyktan

On seeing a lamp grace a Jean Prouvé desk on the Vitra stand at Orgatec 2014 we termed it "a genuine reminder that good design is often the simplest solution" On seeing a lamp grace a Jean Prouvé desk in the VitraHaus, we concurred. Quietly noting that it was, in addition, "a genuine reminder that a good name is often the simplest solution" Plug Lamp by Form Us With Love for Ateljé Lyktan is both those things. Packaged in the most delightful and engaging object. A desk lamp with an

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Dutch Design Week 2014 Dutch Invertuals Cohesion Wendy Plomp
Designer | 03.11.2014

(smow) blog compact Dutch Design Week Special: Dutch Invertuals - Cohesion

Cohesion is a concept with which we are very familiar. Largely because it is a state we never achieve. Much like the geometry's asymptote never touches its associated curve, so to do our lives approach cohesion, without ever achieving such a condition. It remaining something tantalisingly ahead of us. Infinitely so. And so it was with a particular personal interest we viewed the new 2014 Dutch Invertuals' exhibition: Cohesion. As is traditional with Dutch Invertuals the participating

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Orgatec Cologne 2014 Stylepark Being Home 4+4 Stefan Diez
Designer | 01.11.2014

Orgatec Cologne 2014: Stylepark - Being Home 4+4

We don't consider ourselves slouches when it comes to the effort we make in regards of presenting ourselves at Orgatec Cologne, but we do have to doff our ornately feathered caps to the colleagues at Stylepark. In keeping with their curated "Featured Editions" programme at IMM Cologne where design studios are asked to create an installation around a given design object, for Orgatec 2014 Stylepark asked four designers to create a 12 sqm presentation reflecting their interpretation and

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Tom Vack Tom Vac

5 New Design Exhibitions for November 2014

It's now been twelve months since we decided to start recommending upcoming architecture and design exhibitions based on nothing more substantial and reliable than a press release or a PR agency text. A year in which we have recommended 60 exhibitions which sounded good, sounded worth visiting, sounded entertaining. Most of those that we subsequently visited were. A fact that has encouraged us to continue. And so to celebrate "5 New Design Exhibitions" first birthday, 5 New Design Exhibitions

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Budapest Design Week 2014 Entrance Hall at Palmetta Design Gallery Vidó Nóri lunaria hangers
Designer | 30.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Budapest Design Week Special: Entrance Hall at Palmetta Design Gallery

Established in 1998 by the artist couple Anna and István Regős as a gallery/shop in the cellar of their house in the Hungarian town of Szentendre, since 2013 Palmetta Design have operated a second gallery in Budapest where, in addition to offering a selection of international design items for sale, they present a regularly changing programme of art and design exhibitions. For Budapest Design Week 2014 that of course meant a design exhibition and specifically "Entrance Hall" a showcase of works

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Sächsischer Staatspreis für Design 2014
Awards | 29.10.2014

(smow) blog compact: Saxony Design Award 2014 - Winners

On Friday October 24th the winners of the Saxony Design Award 2014 - the Sächsischer Staatspreis für Design 2014 - were announced at a, no doubt, suitably grand ceremony in Leipzig. Ran under the motto "Mehr Wert durch Design" - "More value through design" - the 2014 edition of the biennial contest looked for projects which help illustrate the potential of design in our modern post-industrial industrial economy. And which we suspect, although it wasn't explicitly stated, was intended to

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Thonet Orgatec Köln S 160 S 170 S 180 Delphin Design
Designer | 28.10.2014

Orgatec Cologne 2014: Thonet

For just about as long as Thonet have been producing furniture one of the company's most important designers has been "Thonet Design Team", a description we've always considered to be a rather disparagingly sterile and unnecessarily nebulous description for Thonet's team of in-house designers. Every serious contemporary furniture manufacturer has an in-house design team who are responsible for both helping adapt external designers works to the company's production patterns and also creating

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Budapest Design Week 2014 Segíto Vásárlás Design Dates Stoki Daniel Szalkai
Designer | 27.10.2014

(smow) blog Budapest Design Week Special: Segítő Vásárlás - Design Dates

In 2010 the spectacularly sinister sounding Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities launched a programme to help promote products made in workshops employing persons with disabilities; and since 2013 the Segítő Vásárlás label - Design that Helps - has been coordinated by the Salva Vita Foundation. In June 2014 the Salva Vita Foundation organised a "Design Date" event which brought participating workshops and Hungarian design studios together with the aim of fostering new co-operations and

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Der entfesselte Blick Die Brüder Rasch und ihre Impulse für die moderne Architektur Marta Herford
Architecture | 24.10.2014

Marta Herford Presents: Der entfesselte Blick – Die Brüder Rasch und ihre Impulse für die moderne Architektur.

Much as we all like to assume we all know everything there is to know about modernism, and convinced as we all are that we can name all the important protagonists and their key works. We largely can't. We can largely scratch the surface of modernism and name a handful of the best known protagonists and name a few of their better known works. Just how little the vast majority of us truly understand about modernism is currently being laid bare in the exhibition "Der entfesselte Blick – Die

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Dutch Design Week 2014 Ontwerpduo Impossible things before breakfast Tile Table Tallow
Designer | 23.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Dutch Design Week Special: Ontwerpduo - Impossible things before breakfast

One of the highlights for us of Dutch Design Week 2014 is and was the showcase of works by Eindhoven based studio Ontwerpduo a.k.a. Tineke Beunders and Nathan Wierink. For although in the past we have seen various Ontwerpduo projects individually, there is no real alternative to seeing a studio's collection together in order to build a more complete picture of the designers and their work. In addition to reunions with those Ontwerpduo products with which we were already familiar, including the

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Orgatec Cologne 2014 New Order by Stefan Diez for Hay
Designer | 23.10.2014

Orgatec Cologne 2014: New Order by Stefan Diez for Hay

At the risk of overusing the phrase "a concept that grows on us the more XXXX adds to it" and so reducing a genuine sign of respect to irrelevant dribble: Stefan Diez's New Order system for HAY is a concept that grows on us the more Stefan Diez adds to it. What began life as relatively simple contemporary shelving system is being presented at Orgatec 2014 as a fully fledged office system. We've always liked New Order, but the more it grows, the more it appeals. Apart from the systems

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Vienna Design Week 2014 Kultúrgorilla Guide the Diver Design for Dumpster Dialogue
Designer | 22.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Vienna Design Week Special: Kultúrgorilla - Guide the Diver! Design for Dumpster Dialogue

As long as we've been going to Vienna Design Week the festival has always included a focus on social responsibility. Design is not all about large companies presenting their latest projects or young designers developing expensive gallery pieces, design is also about helping to improve our world, be that the direct vicinity or at the global level. Vienna Design Week understand this. And always try to ensure we all do. One of the more interesting projects in this respect at Vienna Design Week

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Dutch Design Week 2014 Leaning Bench Izabela Bołoz
Designer | 22.10.2014

(smow) blog Dutch Design Week Special: Leaning Bench by Izabela Bołoz

The presentation of Dirk Vander Kooij's current collection during Dutch Design Week 2014 took place at Kazerne - the new star in Eindhoven's already well illuminated design sky. Established by designers/curators Annemoon Geurts and Koen Rijnbeek who used run the temporary Eat Drink Design "exhibition restaurant" during Dutch Design Week, Kazerne is their new permanent "exhibition restaurant". They obviously having tired of "popping up" once a year. Featuring a combination restaurant cum

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Budapest Design Week 2014 Biela by András Kerékgyártó
Designer | 22.10.2014

Budapest Design Week 2014: Biela by András Kerékgyártó

The history of furniture design is famously also a history of experimentation, re-configuring, re-thinking and often of designers changing materials in the course of product development. Charles and Ray Eames' plastic chair family famously began life as a steel chair family, Harry Thaler's aluminium Pressed Chair for Moormann began life as a wooden chair, and in contrast the first USM Haller units were wood, before the switch to steel. And so the fact that Budapest based designer András

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Orgatec Cologne 2014 Vitra Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec
Designer | 21.10.2014

Orgatec Cologne 2014: Vitra

In comparison to the annual IMM Cologne furniture fair the corridors and halls of the Messe Cologne always seems curiously empty at the biennial Orgatec office furniture trade fair. Until that is one reaches the Vitra stand. And the crowds. The almost congenital attraction of Orgatec visitors to Vitra is unquestionably related to the high-calibre roster of international designers responsible for the Vitra office programme. At Orgatec 2014 that programme has been extended by, amongst other

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Dutch Design Week Special TAB Studios
Designer | 21.10.2014

(smow) blog Dutch Design Week Special: TAB Studios - Studio Mieke Meijer, Daphna Laurens, OS ∆ OOS, Studio Maatwerk and Bogaerts Label

For us the passion, indeed interest, for living in a shared flat ended approximately 18 months before we moved out of our last shared flat. It ceased to be our thing. We needed our peace. We needed our space. We became anti-social. Some people however remain sociable. Even professionally. Some such as the design studios Daphna Laurens, Studio Mieke Meijer, OS ∆ OOS, Studio Maatwerk and Bogaerts Label who since summer 2014 have shared a space in the so-called TAB Building, somewhat inevitably a

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Martino Gamper design is a state of mind Pinacoteca Agnelli Turin
Designer | 21.10.2014

(smow) blog compact: Martino Gamper - design is a state of mind at the Pinacoteca Agnelli Turin

On Wednesday October 22nd the exhibition "Martino Gamper - design is a state of mind" opens at the Pinacoteca Agnelli in Turin. Curated by London based, Italian born designer Martino Gamper, design is a state of mind premièred at the Serpentine Sackler Gallery London over the summer of 2014 and is in effect two exhibitions in one. In the first Martino Gamper presents a series of shelving systems dating from the 1930s to the 21st century; a collection of shelving systems that not only present

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Dutch Design Week 2014 Dirk Vander Kooij Soap Cabinet Satellite Lamp
Designer | 20.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Dutch Design Week Special: Dirk Vander Kooij

Back in the day when the CD was new and exciting we remember watching a breakfast TV host spread honey on one to demonstrate how indestructible they were. Other CDs were attacked with keys, dowsed in hot coffee and stood on. These days we all know much better. CDs are destructible. We've seen the light. And at Dutch Design Week 2014 you can can see the light a recycled CD emits. Or at least the luminescence produced by a mass of recycled CDs in the thoughtfully and intelligently formed

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Dutch Design Week 2014 Sectie C
Designer | 20.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Dutch Design Week Special: Sectie C

Proving that Eindhoven is full of old factories, but that they are not necessarily all former Philips factories, Sectie C is a former industrial estate on the eastern edge of Eindhoven that has become home to a, seemingly, thriving community of creatives. Featuring a nice mix of creative genres and small businesses Sectie C's real charm is the way the tenants have colonised the available space just as vegetation does in derelict industrial estates: offices constructed under the rafters like

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Grassimesse Leipzig 2014

Grassimesse Leipzig 2014

Time was when Leipzig hosted two fayres per year, one at Easter and one at Michaelmas. The Easter Fair has since given way to a grotesque faux middle ages market. And no we're not using grotesque as a synonym for the pains and discomforts of the middle ages as reflected in the stalls, shows and characters who compose the market experience. We mean its painful and uncomfortable. The Michaelmas Fair however has evolved much more agreeably and is now ably represented by the annual Grassimesse.

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Dutch Design Week 2014 Birgit Severin
Designer | 19.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Dutch Design Week Special: Blumenampel Edition by Zascho Petkow and Birgit Severin for Atelier Haussmann

It is very rare that one comes across an object where a manufacturer has combined two independently developed products into one. And even rarer that we like such an object. Our natural resistance reaction is to say, No. No. Not on our watch. Begone. We were however instantly taken with the so-called Blumenampel Edition by Zascho Petkow and Birgit Severin for Berlin based Atelier Haussmann. Possibly because initially we didn't know its provenance. That only became clear in conversation with

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Dutch Design Week Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation 2014 Lumist Teresa van Dongen
Designer | 19.10.2014

(smow) blog compact Dutch Design Week Special: Lumist by Teresa van Dongen

In 1951 the German designer Wilhelm Wagenfeld created a glass punch bowl for Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik, WMF: the clou of which is a glass tube which passes through the lid and down to the bottom of the bowl. The ideas being to fill this tube with ice, when the ice, inevitably, melts the resulting water remains separate from the punch, can be thrown away and replaced with fresh ice. Thus ensuring your punch remains chilled, and unadulterated, until the last drop. A revolution in its

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