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In Arbeit. Prototypen von Thomas Schnur und Klemens Grund, Passagen Cologne 2018
Cologne Creative | 16.01.2018

Passagen Cologne 2018: In Arbeit. Prototypen von Thomas Schnur und Klemens Grund

As in art, music or literature, the path in design from an idea to its realisation is rarely straight. And not always achieved. Or at least not immediately. Consequently every designer, as with every artist, every musician or every author, has projects which began their journey's full of hope,but, then, for whatever reason....... With the showcase "in Arbeit" Cologne based designers Thomas Schnur and Klemens Grund present some of their projects which are, still, "in Arbeit" In Arbeit.

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Der Stuhl des Architekten - Sitzmöbel von Egon Eiermann @ Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft CologneDer Stuhl des Architekten - Sitzmöbel von Egon Eiermann @ Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Cologne
Cologne Creative | 15.01.2018

Der Stuhl des Architekten – Sitzmöbel von Egon Eiermann @ the Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Cologne

One of Germany's leading post-war architects and architectural theoreticians, Egon Eiermann was also one of post-war Europe's most important chair designers, not just in context of what he realised, but also in context of what he worked towards realising and the reasons why. With the exhibition Cologne celebrate that legacy. Der Stuhl des Architekten - Sitzmöbel von Egon Eiermann @ Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Cologne Although Egon Eiermann's career as a designer of

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radio smow a chairs playlist
Designer | 08.01.2018

Radio smow: A Chairs Playlist

As we've oft noted in these pages, not only have designers since time immemorial had a particular fascination for chairs, but society a particular predilection. Arguably the two are related and can be traced to the long, universal, cultural, political and social relevance of the chair and the act of sitting, a state of affairs which not only makes the physical chair/seat an integral part of our lives, but the metaphorical: excitement brings us to edge of our chairs, those who are brave/foolish

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2018

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2018

With his two faces the Roman God Janus looks simultaneously forward and backwards, standing in constant watch over transitions, the passage of time, beginnings, ends. The easy connection to make is with January, that month of the year when we are invariably reflecting and hoping in equal measure: the more complex connection to make is with a well-crafted architecture and design exhibition, one which effortlessly links reflections of the past with proposals, visions and excitement for the

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Cupboard Love at the Gewerbemuseum Winterthur
Designer | 11.12.2017

Radio smow: A Cupboards, Closets, Wardrobes Playlist......

While preparing our 5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for December 2017 post we spent a not inconsiderate amount of time contemplating the exhibition Cupboard Love at the Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, in particular the fact the while it promises to explore cupboards in their metaphoric manifestations as expressed in film, literature and art, they appear to have overlooked the use of cupboards, closets and other storage units in music. We just had to rectify that....... Cupboard Love at the

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Okolo Magazine Lausanne (Photo courtesy Okolo)
Architecture | 08.12.2017

smow Blog Interview: Adam Štěch, Okolo

We can't remember exactly when we first came across Prague based creative collective Okolo, but certainly by the autumn of 2014 we were very much liking what they were doing: April 2014 seeing the exhibition Okolo Offline at Depot Basel and in September Okolo Offline Two – Collecting at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden, both of which in their own gentle ways guided the visitor into and through the Okolo world. Keen to better understand that world we met up with Okolo co-founder Adam Štěch.....

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5 New Design Exhibitions for December 2017

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for December 2017

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a ticket for a design exhibition. On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, two tickets for two design exhibitions, and a ticket for a design exhibition. On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me...... You get the idea. Our five goohoold rings for December 2017 are new architecture and design exhibitions in Winterthur, Barcelona, New York, Munich and Moscow. "Cupboard Love" at the Gewerbemuseum Winterthur,

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Two German Architectures 1949 - 1989 @ the Technische Universität Berlin
Architecture | 29.11.2017

Two German Architectures 1949 - 1989 @ the Technische Universität Berlin

Whereas exhibitions featured in these pages are normally still in the first flush of youth, having recently enjoyed their vernissage and thus making their first public appearance, the presentation of Two German Architectures 1949-1989 at the Technische Universität Berlin is much more a finissage. After a 13 year, 26 city, global tour, the exhibition has, in many regards, come home to retire. Two German Architectures 1949 - 1989 @ the Technische Universität Berlin Organised by the German

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Von Ata bis Zentralkomitee Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock: Ata.....

Von Ata bis Zentralkomitee @ the Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock

Artefacts are generally considered remnants of societies and civilisations long past. Remnants which act as chroniclers, guides and reminders of societies and civilisations long past. Artefacts however needn't be ancient. Nor the society they document. With the exhibition Von Ata bis Zentralkomitee the Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock explore daily life in the DDR through everyday objects, artefacts, and thereby the nature and reality of state influence and control on everyday life. Von

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Welt aus Glas. Transparentes Design at the Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus Bremen
Architecture | 23.11.2017

Welt aus Glas. Transparentes Design @ Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus Bremen

The first metaphors may, or may not, have been animal based, but materials are just as adaptable. And few are as adaptable as glass. The Glass Ceiling as the impenetrable, yet invisible boundary. The Heart of Glass as a state of extreme emotional weakness. While in most glass metaphors the focus is an inherent property of glass: transparency. With the exhibition Welt aus Glas. Transparentes Design the Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus Bremen abstract that metaphor to explore the link between

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Gestures - Past, Present and Future at the Sächsischen Industriemuseum Chemnitz
Chemnitz Creative | 22.11.2017

Gestures – Past, Present and Future @ the Sächsische Industriemuseum, Chemnitz

👋 Gestures belong to the oldest of human actions and interactions. Have accompanied mankind through good times and bad, through its innumerate technical, cultural and social revolutions. And are so intuitive, we are often barely aware of them. With the exhibition Gestures – Past, Present and Future, the Sächsische Industriemuseum Chemnitz explores not only the (hi)story and importance of gestures, but for all their role in our smart, digital, autonomous futures. Gestures - Past, Present

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Glo-ball by Jasper Morrison for Flos, as seen at Jasper Morrison - Thingness, Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig
Designer | 21.11.2017

Jasper Morrison - Thingness @ Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

Visitors to the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig have long been able to rest on Jasper Morrison's Vitra Bench, an object liberally distributed throughout the museum complex. With the exhibition Thingness the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig offers visitors a deeper insight into Jasper Morrison's oeuvre, and creative processes. Jasper Morrison - Thingness @ Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig Born in London in 1959 and a graduate of both Kingston Polytechnic and the Royal

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Echoes - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture @ Felleshus, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin
Architecture | 19.11.2017

Echoes - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture @ Felleshus, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin

As any fule kno, an echo requires a surface off which to reflect. Otherwise it is just shouting into the void. With the exhibition Echoes - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture at the Felleshus, Berlin, that reflective surface is the traditions, cultures and landscapes of north-east Europe. Echoes - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture @ Felleshus, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin On December 6th 1917 the Finnish Republic declared its independence from Russia, an event that

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Tod & Ritual - Kulturen von Abschied und Erinnerung, Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz
Chemnitz Creative | 16.11.2017

Tod & Ritual - Kulturen von Abschied und Erinnerung @ Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz

The old adage that the only certainties in life are death and taxes has become (more than) a little passé of late. However even the accountants and investment bankers cannot, yet, avoid death. With the exhibition Tod & Ritual - Kulturen von Abschied und Erinnerung the Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz, smac, explore the historical and cultural traditions and rituals of that last remaining timeless, universal, and utterly inescapable phenomenon. Tod & Ritual - Kulturen von

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Visionäre und Alltagshelden. Ingenieure – Bauen – Zukunft @ the Oskar von Miller Forum Munich
Architecture | 15.11.2017

Visionäre und Alltagshelden. Ingenieure – Bauen – Zukunft @ the Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich

Back in the day one of the joys of reading the British Yellow Pages was the entry for Boring: "See Civil Engineers"* Oh how we laughed! And still do! Partly to counter such negative associations, partly to explain what Civil Engineers do, and partly to explain just how fundamentally that what Civil Engineers do has contributed to our contemporary society, and the multitude of possibilities available to us, whether we choose to take them or not, the Oskar von Miller Forum Munich is staging the

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Kant by Patrick Frey & Markus Boge for Nils Holger Moormann
Designer | 13.11.2017

smow Blog Interview: Patrick Frey - I find it unashamed that the furniture industry isn't prepared to pay young designers a discretionary payment for developing a project

When we spoke with designer Patrick Frey in context of our #campustour, the plan was quite simply to discuss contemporary design education; however, the natural flow of the conversation took us in a raft of interesting directions, including his experiences as a freelance designer, the question of development payments in the furniture industry and the background to his and Markus Boge's joint diploma project, a project in many regards personified by the tables Kant and Marketing. Kant by

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Hella Jongerius & Louise Schouwenberg - Beyond the New, Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum, Munich
smow | 10.11.2017

Hella Jongerius & Louise Schouwenberg – Beyond the New @ Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum, Munich

Can innovation be an end to itself? Are we living in excess? Do things bewilder and inspire us still? Does a museum collection inevitably lose its link to reality as time goes by? What is good design? The exhibition Hella Jongerius & Louise Schouwenberg – Beyond the New at Die Neue Sammlung Munich poses a lot of questions. Questions which needn't necessarily find answers, but which should serve as inspiration and motivation to further questions, and thus a deeper discourse on design. Hella

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Boston City Hall by Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles/Campbell, Aldrich & Nulty, as seen at SOS Brutalism - Save the Concrete Monsters, Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt
Architecture | 08.11.2017

SOS Brutalism - Save the Concrete Monsters @ the Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt

Architects are always very keen to stress how they are working in the interests of society, for society. Often selflessly so. Yet little polarises society quite like architecture. And no architecture polarises quite like Brutalism. Whereas in discourses on other architectural genres the middle ground is a place where those of moderate opinions can meet objectively and attempt to approach one another's position: there are no Brutalism moderates. With the exhibition SOS Brutalism - Save the

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04 by Nick Beens, as seen at Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2017
Designer | 06.11.2017

Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2017: 304 by Nick Beens

Modular lighting is a seldom encountered genre, and when it is encountered, then invariably in a very technical form, a form that implies the computer software has taken a greater role in the creative process than the designers understanding of form-giving, There are however exceptions..... 304 by Nick Beens, as seen at Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2017 Although we saw the 304 collection by Nick Beens' at the 2017 Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation Exhibition, it's inclusion here should in

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Designblok Prague 2017: High Five!!
Designer | 03.11.2017

Designblok Prague 2017: High Five!!

While figuratively "blowing the roof off" is arguably an aim of every design festival; physically having your roof blown off is not. Sadly that is what happened to Designblok Prague 2017; Storm Herwart, when not completely de-roofing the Art Deco Palace of Industry which hosted the event, causing damage sufficient to force organisers the cancel the last two days of the five day festival. A situation not only unfortunate and irksome for the organisers and exhibitors, but disappointing all

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Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2017: High Five!!
Designer | 01.11.2017

Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2017: High Five!!

Although as an event Dutch Design Week has always had a focus on presenting design in context, design in practice, our feeling is that of late that focus has intensified, something we thoroughly approve of as it helps make tangible that design is, can be, more than pretty objects; does however mean that you increasingly need to take more time with you to Eindhoven. Or accept that you are going to miss a lot of, potentially, interesting and thought provoking presentations. Necessity meant that

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5 New Design Exhibitions for November 2017

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2017

Like gardens mottled with the vibrant leaves of autumn, so too is November 2017 bestrewn with a multicoloured carpet of new design and architecture exhibitions. We could have published three such lists, seriously considered it .... have however instead taken the opportunity to bring our monthly recommendations average up to where it should be. Five. Back in August we only had four new recommendations, and so to compensate summer's shortfall, here we present six, technically seven. Although it

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Diploma Selection 2017 winners, nominated, jury, Uncle Tom Cobley and all at Designblok Prague 2017
Awards | 29.10.2017

Designblok Prague 2017 - Diploma Selection

In context of Designblok Prague 2017 the winners of the fourth edition of the pan-European design graduate competition Diploma Selection were unveiled at a ceremony in the city's Palace of Industry. Diploma Selection 2017 Winners, Nominated, Jury, Uncle Tom Cobley and all, at Designblok Prague 2017 Diploma Selection 2017 Initiated in 2014 as a joint initiative by Designblok and the European Union National Institutes for Culture, EUNIC, Diploma Selection is open to all students graduating in

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OS ∆ OOS @ Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2017
Designer | 28.10.2017

Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2017: Tunnel by OS ∆ OOS

"Marcel Breuer seeing a pair of bicycle handle-bars decided to make chairs using the same industrial process", notes Jasper Morrison in his text, The Poet will not Polish, "the new world constructor seeing a pair of bicycle handle-bars decides to use them as they are and save himself the trouble and expense of bending the tube."* On seeing an aluminium tube, Eindhoven based studio OS ∆ OOS followed, in many respects, a similar logic. The result is the Tunnel collection. OS ∆ OOS @ Dutch

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