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Reform of Life & Henry van de Velde mittendrin, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz
Chemnitz Creative | 11.01.2025

Reform of Life & Henry van de Velde mittendrin at the Kunstsammlungen, Chemnitz

"Man schnitzte das Holz nicht mehr, man spann nicht mehr, man webte nicht mehr die gute Leinwand wie früher"1, 'No-one carved wood, no-one spun, no-one wove the good linen as before', lamented Henry van de Velde in 1898 the English society of the second half of the 19th century that stood proxy for large parts of Europe as industrialisation became the established norm in ever more arenas, continuing, 'the machine, which turns imbecilically around itself and moves thanks to the pestilential

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smow | 07.01.2025

Living the Future: smow Trend Report 2025

In 2025 we will all be seduced by the elegant chocolate vibes of the Pantone Color of the Year "Mocha Mousse", a hue that, according to the Pantone Institute, stands for pure "mindful enjoyment". And the best news: as it is an interior trend and not a dessert, we can all snack on it to our heart's desire... And not only on that. The smow interior design experts have reflected on the coming year and on what else we can expect this year and which design classics, presented in a contemporary

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2025

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2025

In the fickle and vainglorious world of cinema January is a so-called Dump Month, a month when all those films studios have lost faith in get released en mass without publicity in the hope that no-one will see them. Far less remember them. Which is not only extremely arrogant, a belief that just because you don't appreciate something no-one else will, but an outrageously decadent waste of a month when, certainly in the northern hemisphere, most people are looking for spaces in which to not

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Three B3 'Wassily' club chairs by Marcel Breuer. Or are they? , As seen in context of Mehr als echt (More than real) by Jun Yang, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
Bauhaus | 08.12.2024

Mehr als echt (More than real) by Jun Yang at Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau

In his ca. 75 CE work The Life of Theseus, the Greek biographer, historian and Delphi priest Plutarch notes that the ship with which Theseus returned to Attica having slain the Minotaur in its labyrinth on Crete, "was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place", meaning that over time the ship of Theseus "became a standing example among the philosophers, for the

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Grassimesse smow-Designpreis 2024 winner Nadja Schulze (photo courtesy Nadja Schulze)
smow | 02.12.2024

smow Blog Interview: Nadja Schulze - My goal is to always break down my designs so that they are easy to understand for all

Nadja Schulze once opined that "Licht ist die tollste aller Sprachen", 'light is the greatest of all languages', and the light her lamps LiLa and Bow spoke at Grassimesse 2024 so enamoured the Grassimesse Jury they awarded Nadja the 2024 Grassimesse smow-Designpreis....... Grassimesse smow-Designpreis 2024 winner Nadja Schulze (photo courtesy Nadja Schulze) Born and raised in Leipzig, Nadja Schulze completed her Bachelor in Innenarchitektur at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle in the

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for December 2024

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for December 2024

Until the introduction of the Julian calender in 45 BCE December had but 29 days, meaning two less days to explore, challenge and enjoy architecture and design exhibitions. Imagine! How horrible!! We don't say it often, but Thank You Julius Caesar!!!" Our locations for taking advantage of all 31 glorious days of December 2024 can be found in Herford, Philadelphia, Bratislava, Berlin and Caesar's native Rome....... "Luigi Colani – Shapes of the Future" at Marta Herford, Germany While never

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Building Worlds. Visionary Architecture in the 20th Century, Archiv der Avantgarden - Egidio Marzona, Dresden
Architecture | 22.11.2024

Building Worlds. Visionary Architecture in the 20th Century at the Archiv der Avantgarden – Egidio Marzona, Dresden

There is an old saying that whoever has visions should consult a doctor.1 With Building Worlds. Visionary Architecture in the 20th Century the Archiv der Avantgarden – Egidio Marzona, Dresden, employ the visions of 20th century architecture as the basis for a probing examination of both the built environment and the condition of contemporary architecture....... Building Worlds. Visionary Architecture in the 20th Century, Archiv der Avantgarden - Egidio Marzona, Dresden Formally opened in

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Diseñadoras. (Re)diseñando el mundo, Instituto Cervantes, Prague
Designer | 18.11.2024

Diseñadoras. (Re)diseñando el mundo at Instituto Cervantes, Prague

Very much in keeping with Zagreb Design Week 2024's theme Breaking the Glass Ceiling Instituto Cervantes, Prague, used the occasion of Designblok Prague 2024 to open Diseñadoras. (Re)diseñando el mundo, a showcase introducing and discussing the work, positions, approaches of 12 contemporary Spanish diseñadoras, female designers, that is and was also an exploration of questions on and of contemporary design....... Diseñadoras. (Re)diseñando el mundo, Instituto Cervantes, Prague Or perhaps

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Design for Children, Bröhan Museum, Berlin
Designer | 12.11.2024

Design for Children at the Bröhan Museum, Berlin

Much as design is a child of the late 19th/early 20th century so to is childhood, or perhaps more accurately so to is childhood as it is understood today. With the exhibtion Design for Children the Bröhan Museum, Berlin, explore the relationships between design, children and childhood over the century and a bit of their co-existence....... Design for Children, Bröhan Museum, Berlin For all that childhood is an unavoidable phase of every human life, over a great many centuries its was,

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Radio smow: An al dente playlist

Radio smow: An al dente playlist

In the exhibition al dente: Pasta & Design the HfG-Archiv, Ulm, explore, discuss and approach pasta in its myriad incarnations across a variety of cultural and creative contexts. But not in context of music. As so oft, that task falls to Radio smow....... The (hi)story of pasta is not only lost in the mists of time, but as with all that is similarly lost in those mists, much of that which is presented as fact is more probably myth and legend. And in the case of Marco Polo's place in that

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The Historia Supellexalis: X for X-Base Chair
Designer | 05.11.2024

The Historia Supellexalis: X for X-Base Chair

X-Base Chair An xpression; An xpansion; An xposition Whereas the English word 'furniture' has its origins in the middle French verb 'fournir', to furnish, the French 'meuble' and German 'Möbel' have their origins in the Latin 'mobile': capable of being moved. Much as with the so-called Curule Chair, one of the earliest known manufactured seating objects, a seating object so-called because the legs generally 'curuled', a seating object of the distant past that was as much a symbol of power as

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2024
Architecture | 31.10.2024

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2024

As the, then, still plain Walter Scott, so nearly opined in 1806: "November's sky is chill and drear, November's leaf is red and sear: Late, gazing down the steepy linn That hems our little garden in, I thought, what an excellent month to visit an architecture or design exhibition."1 Our five retreats from the chill and drear of November 2024 can be found in Chemnitz, Brussels, Winterthur, Krefeld and New York....... "Reform of Life" at the Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz, Chemnitz, Germany

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Shelving from the project Leichtigkeit by Aleksander Rasztawicki, as seen at Grassimesse Leipzig 2024
Designer | 29.10.2024

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024 Compact: Aleksander Rasztawicki - Leichtigkeit

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024 Compact: Aleksander Rasztawicki - Leichtigkeit 'Do we still need wood, metal and plastic?' asks Hochschule Wismar graduate Aleksander Rasztawicki in context of his Diploma project Leichtigkeit, Lightness. A rhetorical question for Aleksander doesn't believe that we necessarily do. For Aleksander all we need is paper. Or more accurately all we need is vulcanised fibre, a material first patented in 1859 that is produced from cotton via a process which, in many

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Alfréd by Szebedy Vajk as seen at 360 Design, Budapest Design Week 2024
Designer | 28.10.2024

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Alfréd by Szebedy Vajk

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Alfréd by Szebedy Vajk When we first approached Alfréd by University of Óbuda student Szebedy Vajk at 360 Design during Budapest Design Week 2024 we interpreted it as an abstracted giraffe. It certainly wouldn't be the first time an animal had served as the basis for a piece of furniture design. Indeed shortly after meeting Alfréd we met the giraffe-esque library ladder 3½ by vondingen at Grassimesse Leipzig. Others would at this point speak of a t****

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vondingen, as seen in The School of Athens at Grassimesse Leipzig 2024
Designer | 27.10.2024

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024 Compact: vondingen

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024 Compact: vondingen As discussed with Grassimesse Project Manager Sabine Epple, in order to stage Grassimesse during Covid it was necessary to place exhibitors in the permanent exhibtion spaces by way of guaranteeing the legally required distancing. A concept that exhibitors and visitors very much took to and which thus has continued post social distancing reality, and that very much not only to the agreement of exhibitors and visitors but to the benefit of the

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Faculty of Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg - Me and My Chair, as seen at Grassimesse 2024
Designer | 26.10.2024

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024 Compact: Faculty of Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg - Me and My Chair

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024 Compact: Faculty of Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg - Me and My Chair The exhibition A Chair and You at the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig, may have ended but its traces can still be felt at Grassimesse 2024, being staged as it is to a large degree in the A Chair and You scenography. Or more accurately the A Chair and You colour and atmosphere scheme, the more extreme elements of Robert Wilson's scenography having been removed. And the soundtrack in the

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2024 smow-Designpreis Winner Nadja Schulze
Awards | 25.10.2024

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024: smow-Designpreis Winner - Nadja Schulze

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024: smow-Designpreis Winner - Nadja Schulze Following on from the co-winners of the inaugural Grassimesse smow-Designpreis Hevesi Annabella/Line and Round and Cornelius Réer the winner of the 2nd edition is Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule, Halle, Interior Architecture Masters student, Nadja Schulze for her lighting projects LiLa, Bow and 360°. The latter a wall mounted lamp, family of lamps, that can be rotated through, well... 360°. A rotation that not only results

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Grassimesse Leipzig 2024 - Grassipreis Winners. Congratulations to all!!
Awards | 24.10.2024

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024: Grassipreis Winners

The 2024 Grassimesse Leipzig jury have two important tasks: selecting from the myriad international applications received those creatives entitled to exhibit within the exhibition halls of Leipzig's Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, and thereby maintaining the ongoing quality claim of the Grassimesse in context of contemporary craft, design and applied art, and awarding amongst those selected exhibitors six of the seven Grassi Prizes.* Their first task was completed in late summer. Their

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Grassimesse Leipzig 2024, Morschn!
Designer | 24.10.2024

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024, Morschn!

In these dispatches we've oft and long and deep reflected over the (hi)story of, and contemporary reality and relevance of, the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig's annual Grassimesse. So no need to repeat ourselves here, just an urgent need to get to Leipzig and the 2024 Grassimesse with its promise of not just some 78 exhibitors from 8 nations across a wide range of contemporary craft, applied art and design genres, but also, and amongst other specials, a showcase of Ukrainian

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Radio smow An Eileen Gray playlist
Architecture | 23.10.2024

Radio smow: An Eileen Gray playlist

The music by Peter Scherer, and music design by Daniel Hobi, play an important role in the film E.1027 - Eileen Gray and the House by the Sea; play an important role in enabling Beatrice Minger and Christoph Schaub's film to allow us all to approach the differentiated and more probable appreciation of Eileen Gray E.1027 - Eileen Gray and the House by the Sea admonishes we all need must approach. But can exploring Eileen Gray via music also allow one to approach that differentiated and more

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How many house plants are enough house plants? by Kateřina Husáková, as seen at Designblok Prague 2024
Designer | 22.10.2024

Designblok Prague 2024 Compact: How many house plants are enough house plants? by Kateřina Husáková

Designblok Prague 2024 Compact: How many house plants are enough house plants? by Kateřina Husáková How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? How many Influencers does it take to change a lightbulb? How many house plants are enough house plants? Are there answers? Can there be answers? Must there be answers? No, no and no, But that's not the point. The point is the theorising, the posing of an abstract question,

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Konyky by Natalia Filonenko for Donna, as seen at Budapest Design Week 2024
Designer | 21.10.2024

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Konyky by Natalia Filonenko for Donna

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Konyky by Natalia Filonenko for Donna According to our dictionary 'Konyky' is Ukrainian for 'Grasshoppers'. It might not be, our dictionary could be wrong. We suspect it is. But if it is correct, it's a curious name for Natalia Filonenko's stool/table/pouffe for Kyiv based manufacturer Donna. Surely Lobzyk, jigsaw, or Holovolomka, jigsaw puzzle, make more sense. For that is essentially what Natalia has done, transformed a random piece of a jigsaw puzzle

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Uniqueness in Mass Production by Fehérvári Panna Nóra, as seen at Budapest Design Week 2024
Designer | 20.10.2024

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Uniqueness in Mass Production by Fehérvári Panna Nóra

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Uniqueness in Mass Production by Fehérvári Panna Nóra Before we go any further.... Uniqueness in Mass Production isn't the name of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, MOME, Budapest graduate Fehérvári Panna Nóra's lamps. Panna calls them MushLume, for understandable, and highly enjoyable, reasons, but sadly MushLume is the name of a Brooklyn, New York, based manufacturer of lighting crafted from mushroom mycelia, and so it's unlikely to remain their

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Pulse sofa by Hevesi Annabella for Self and Scope, as seen at Budapest Design Week 2024
Designer | 19.10.2024

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Pulse by Hevesi Annabella for Self and Scope

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Pulse by Hevesi Annabella for Self and Scope The publicity for 360 Design, the central showcase of Budapest Design Week 2024, that Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency, HFDA, showcase that was a component of Budapest Design Week before the HFDA took over the organisation of Budapest Design Week and it exponentially increased in stature, involved numerous objects by Budapest based designer Hevesi Annabella1, not least the sofa Dedas, a work we're most partial

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