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The Centripetal Spring Chair by Thomas E. Warren for the American Chair Company as depicted in the catalogue to the 1851 Great Exhibition in London
Designer | 24.07.2020

#officetour Milestones - Centripetal Spring Chair by Thomas E. Warren

While understandings of form, of beauty, in context of the objects with which we surround ourselves continually evolve and develop, understandings of function are, generally, much more stable. Or at least are once they have been identified, understood and normalised. Something that can be studied and appreciated in Thomas E. Warren's Centripetal Spring Chair..... A Centripetal Spring Chair by Thomas E. Warren for the American Chair Company with tapered back and armrests (Image © and

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A World of Vernacular Furniture: The Windsor Chair
Everyday Design | 15.07.2020

A World of Vernacular Furniture: The Windsor Chair

In all corners of the globe one finds objects of furniture which developed in response to local conditions, traditions and practices; vernacular objects without a formal author and which although, on account of?, arising from a very specific place and time can, invariably, both teach us a lot about the essentials of furniture and help explain furniture's relationships with wider realities. And objects we want to celebrate, starting with arguably, one of the best known examples of vernacular

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Hans Gugelot. The Architecture of Design, HfG-Archiv Ulm
Designer | 10.07.2020

Hans Gugelot. The Architecture of Design at the HfG-Archiv, Ulm

The German designer and graphic artist Otl Aicher once opined, "Hans Gugelot wasn't a theoretician. But not a practitioner either. What is one if neither a theorist nor a practitioner?"1 What, indeed.....? With the exhibition Hans Gugelot. The Architecture of Design the HfG-Archiv Ulm allows one to approach an answer..... Hans Gugelot. The Architecture of Design, HfG-Archiv Ulm Johan (Hans) Gugelot was born in Makassar, Indonesia, on April 1st 1920, as the second son to Dutch couple

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A (unrealised) tea service for Rosenthal by Christa Petroff-Bohne, and in the background vases for the Staatliche Porzellanmaufaktur Meißen, as seen at Beauty of Form. The Designer Christa Petroff-Bohne, Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden
Designer | 02.07.2020

Beauty of Form. The Designer Christa Petroff-Bohne at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden

Christa Petroff-Bohne arrived a trifling couple of minutes late for the opening of Beauty of Form. And was most apologetic, apologised for keeping us all waiting. Whereby, we couldn't help thinking, it is much more us, all, the international community, who should be apologising for keeping Christa Petroff-Bohne waiting for such a comprehensive and rounded recognition of her work and career.........1 Form studies by students of Christa Petroff-Bohne's Basics of Visual Design, as seen at

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2020

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2020

July is traditionally a slow month for new architecture and design exhibition openings. July 2020 less so. Not because of any fundamental changes in understandings amongst architecture and design museums of when is a good time to open an exhibition; but because owing to Corona many shows scheduled to open in the spring had to be postponed, not least until the museums were allowed to open. And throughout July 2020 ever more museums are planned and planning to open; meaning ever more

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LC furniture by Le Corbusier to study, as seen at Le Corbusier and Zürich, Museum für Gestaltung, Pavillon Le Corbusier, Zürich
Architecture | 25.06.2020

Le Corbusier and Zürich at the Museum für Gestaltung, Pavillon Le Corbusier, Zürich

Given the very close connections between Le Corbusier and France, one could be forgiven for, occasionally, forgetting that he was born in Switzerland. With the exhibition Le Corbusier and Zürich the Museum für Gestaltung allow not only an insight into the Le Corbusier biography as charted by Switzerland's largest city, but also of his not always easy relationship with the country of his birth. Pavillon Le Corbusier, Zürich The most visible, tangible, relationship between Le Corbusier and

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Radio smow: A Musical Designer Playlist.......
smow | 24.06.2020

Radio smow: A Musical Designer Playlist.......

Our deliberations on Bauhaus and music very naturally led us to a whole raft of further deliberations on the associations between music and other forms of creative expression; and for all the question, given that so many of those Bauhäusler who had/could have had second careers as musicians were artists, are there designers who have/had second careers as musicians....... .......of course there are...... 6 D 030 Z by Charles & Ray Eames for Evans for Zenith Radio. We all know that designers

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Gae Aulenti: A Creative Universe, Vitra Design Museum Schaudepot
Architecture | 22.06.2020

Gae Aulenti: A Creative Universe at the Vitra Design Museum Schaudepot, Weil am Rhein

"It's not possible to define a style in my work"1, opined once the Italian architect and designer Gae Aulenti. With the exhibition Gae Aulenti: A Creative Universe, the Vitra Design Museum Schaudepot don't contradict that opinion, but do provide for a framework for considerations on its validity...... Gae Aulenti: A Creative Universe, Vitra Design Museum Schaudepot Born in Palazzolo dello Stella (Udine) on December 4th 1927 Gaetana "Gae" Aulenti studied architecture at the Politecnico

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Lilly Reich (1885 - 1947)
Bauhaus | 16.06.2020

smow Blog Design Calendar: June 16th 1885 – Happy Birthday Lilly Reich!

In a letter in 2008 to the editors of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians concerning remarks in an article on the staged illumination of Mies van der Rohe's skeletal frame constructions, the architecture historian Kathleen James-Chakraborty refers to the "linking of Heinrich Tessenow's Festspielhaus of 1910-12 in Hellerau with the installation for the glass industry that Mies designed (in collaboration with Lilly Reich, whom Petty does not mention) for the Stuttgart Werkbund

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The Larkin Administration Building by Frank Lloyd Wright in Buffalo New York photo ca 1906)
Architecture | 08.06.2020

#officetour Milestones - The Larkin Administration Building by Frank Lloyd Wright

As previously noted, the (hi)story of the office is long and has its origins in functions and individuals rather than physical spaces; its understanding evolving over the course of several centuries as those functions/individuals gradually became synonyms for their physical place of activity. Before in the course of the 19th century its understanding became increasingly institutionalised, not least against the background of increasing commerce, industry and civic administration, and leading to

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Future Food. What will we eat tomorrow?, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden

Future Food. What will we eat tomorrow? at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden

Interesting, important and not irrelevant as hygiene is at the moment, the new exhibition at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden doesn't concern itself with pandemics, but with another subject of contemporary global interest, importance and relevance: food, food supply, food security. And a theme not entirely unrelated to, certainly not unaffected by, our current reality...... Future Food. What will we eat tomorrow?, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden Established in 1912 the Deutsches

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2020

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2020

We thought long and hard as to if we should continue our online exhibition recommendations series, or go back to offline exhibitions...... and decided for a return to offline. We fully appreciate that in a lot of countries museums are still closed, as indeed are the international borders that you would normally and naturally criss-cross for a short city break to visit those that are open; however, many museums are open, many more are planned/planning to open in the course of June, and

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Eames US Patent 2,708,476 for "Furniture Frame Construction"
Design Calendar | 17.05.2020

smow Blog Design Calendar: May 17th 1955 - Charles Eames Granted US Patent 2,708,476 for Furniture Frame Construction

On May 17th 1955 Charles Eames*, as assignor to the Herman Miller Furniture Company, was granted US patent 2,708,476 for a "Furniture Frame Construction", specifically for, "a skeleton type metal furniture frame or shell construction" formed from "a plurality of lengths of wire arranged in crossed relation with another plurality of lengths of wire and welded thereto at their intersection..."1 A patent which although important and interesting in itself, is and was in many regards just as

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smow song contest 2020 .... waiting for the livestream to begin.....
smow | 15.05.2020

smow Song Contest 2020

In a year in which the familiar glow of many a beloved cultural event is missing, one beacon continues to shine. As a virtual, and in many regards virtual, event the smow Song Contest is one that can be staged regardless of prevailing physical social distancing regulations and physical travel restrictions. And while virtual closeness and virtual travel can never, and must never be allowed to, replace the physical, the 2020 smow Song Contest does allow us all an opportunity to cross great

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The smow blog #officetour, first the theoretical path, then the open road.....
Everyday Design | 11.05.2020

smow Blog #officetour.......

Back in the year 1 BCE, Before Corona Epidemic, we developed a plan to use 2020 to tour through contemporary office design, a tour to be undertaken both physically and theoretically. A very simple plan developed in the knowledge that in October the Orgatec office furniture fair would be staged in Cologne, and that such a tour would, hopefully, allow us to approach Orgatec 2020 from differentiated and manifold perspectives. And a simple plan, which, and as with all simple plans, proved more

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USM Haller: Garden, Terrace, Balcony.....
Architecture | 08.05.2020

USM Haller: Garden, Terrace, Balcony.....

Developed in the mid-1960s as an office furniture system, the inherent flexibility and variability of USM Haller's modular system has allowed it to naturally evolve alongside office practices and realities; for example, alongside the shift in recent decades from rigid to more flexible office scenographies, alongside the rise in recent decades of home working, or, most recently, with the USM Security Screen which naturally, and quickly, allows any existing USM reception desk to be effortlessly

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radio smow A Bauhaus Playlist
Bauhaus | 03.05.2020

Radio smow: A Bauhaus Playlist.......

Bauhaus Weimar's centenary may now be behind us, but there remains a lot of discussion, consideration and reflection ahead of us. Not least in context of the rapidly approaching Bauhaus Dessau centenary. By way of an accompaniment to those reflections, considerations and discussions, and of engendering a differing perspective on both the schools and the contexts in which they existed, a Radio smow playlist devoted to music of, from and associated with the Bauhauses. Radio smow: A Bauhaus

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Visualisation of part of Ettore Sottsass's nomadische Büro concept for Citizen Office, Vitra Design Museum
Designer | 30.04.2020

smow Blog Design Calendar: April 30th 1993 - Opening of Citizen Office at the Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein

With the exhibition Citizen Office the Vitra Design Museum staged not only their first conceptual, research based, exhibition, but also one of the first museal reflections on "the world of the office". Reflections which not only pointed towards new directions and understandings then, but which offer insights and lessons for today....... Citizen Office. As visualised by James Irvine The ubiquity of office work in our contemporary society belies the relative youth of "the office" as a

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5 Online Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2020

5 Online Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2020

While we'd all much rather physically visit architecture and design museums, our current enforced virtual patronage does allow us all an excellent opportunity to begin to understand architecture and design museums as more than just an exhibition space with shop and café, and to begin to learn to interact with them, and for all their collections, in new, proactive, manners. To understand architecture and design museums as tools as much as institutions. And while a virtual visit can never

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Isamu Noguchi. Sculptor.
Designer | 21.04.2020

Lost Furniture Design Classics: Model 9 Table Lamp by Isamu Noguchi for Knoll Associates

Throughout his numerous lives and careers Isamu Noguchi practised as an artist, set designer, garden designer, furniture designer, lighting designer, etc.... yet through all incarnations he remained one thing: a sculptor. Isamu Noguchi's most popularly known work is inarguably his Akari lamps, yet before Akari there came a lamp which in many regards exists more in context of the man and his art than its more famous relations..... Lost Furniture Design Classics: Model 9 Table Lamp by Isamu

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April 14th 1874 – Happy Birthday Margarete Junge!
Designer | 14.04.2020

smow Blog Design Calendar: April 14th 1874 – Happy Birthday Margarete Junge!

"The work of the Dresden artist Margarete Junge is largely shrouded in darkness" noted the art historian Gert Claußnitzer in his introduction to the 1981 exhibition "Margarete Junge. Fashion sketches and flower studies"1 And while Margarete Junge's 2D works may have been allowed to shine, if only briefly, in the early 1980s, her 3D works remained stubbornly shrouded: only in recent years being afforded the opportunity, if only partially, to radiate as they once did. Thankfully. For the works,

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An Easter Egg…… or, A #stayhome Eastertide hunt for Arne Jacobsen’s Egg……
Designer | 10.04.2020

An Easter Egg...... or, A stay at home Eastertide hunt for Arne Jacobsen's Egg......

The 3316 Easy Chair by Arne Jacobsen a.k.a. The Egg is not only one of the most universally recognised works by Jacobsen, but also one of the most popular representatives of both the lounge chair and also of post-War furniture design. Yet, and as with the Easter egg, the Jacobsen Egg is an object whose simple, inviting charms often hide the much more complex, interesting, informative, instructive, realities of its origin and provenance. And so in a year when many an Easter egg hunt will be

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Lost Furniture Design Classics: The Bacon Settle

In context of the Radio smow Sofa, Couch, Settee Playlist we briefly discussed the settle as an early forebearer of the settee. Existing in a myriad expressions and forms, one variation on the settle was a pleasingly multi-functional, multi-talented, culinary adept, object. And one that has, sadly, vanished from the contemporary furniture landscape....... An early 19th century English bacon settle Originating in the middle ages, John Gloag suggests they were known as early as the 12th

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5 Online Architecture & Design Exhibitions for April 2020

5 Online Architecture & Design Exhibitions for April 2020

The museums may be closed, travel restricted and leaving your home, when possible, unadvised..... but that's no reason to restrict your cultural uptake, far less neglect the development of your architecture and design understandings. Or put another way, if you can't get to the museum..... let the museum come to you. Five online architecture and design exhibitions and museum collections to explore from your sofa, bed, garden, balcony, wherever..... Vitra Design Museum - Collection Online In

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