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Thonet from smow Berlin

smow Berlin
Kurfürstendamm 100
10709 Berlin

+49 30 31 00 44 22

Opening times:
Mon-Fri 10:30 am - 7 pm
Sat 11 am - 6 pm
S 43 Swivel Chair
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More about 'Berlin', 'Thonet' in our blog

Profitopolis or the Condition of the City at the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge, Berlin

...With the exhibition Profitopolis or the Condition of the City the Werkbundarchiv - Museum der Dinge, Berlin, reflect on the arguments of 1971 in the 2024 we became, on the paths from then to now, on the role of the Deutsche Werkbund then, since and now, and thereby enable space for reflections and considerations on not only why our contemporary cities are as they are, but possible ways forward in context of our cities and those who inhabit them... Or rather a framework for the exhibitions Profitopolis or the Condition of the City, for it is, they are, very much two presentations in one: the first a brief tour through the (hi)story of urban and spatial planning in Germany since the formation of the Deutsche Werkbund in 1907, a formation, as oft noted in these dispatches, initiated by a coalition, an amalgamation, of architects, designers and manufacturers as a response to the poor quality, and even poorer global reputation, of German industrial production of the period, a period when Made in Germany was an insult; a tour that through making stops at moments either undertaken by the Werkbund, by leading Werkbundler or in context of the positions of the Werkbund, such as, for example, the 1909 Hellerau garden city, the 1927 Weissenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart, the post 1939-45 War plans for rebuilding Berlin, or the large scale 1960s/70s high-rise housing estates Märkische Viertel in West-Berlin and Fennpfuhl in Ost-Berlin, develops an argument that whatever else the Deutsche Werkbund is and was since 1907 it was always about responding to social realities and questions of the built environment and of individuals and society in that built environment...

Stühle zum (Be)Sitzen, a smow Pop-up at the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig

...A brief tour through the recent (hi)story of chair design, or certainly western European chair design, that opens with Michael Thonet's 1859 Chair 14, the contemporary Thonet Chair 214, a... , but a work that also redefined chair production: Thonet's warm bentwood process negating the need for skilled carpenters, relying instead on a workforce of highly trained but otherwise unskilled labour, and thereby, essentially, marking the dawn of industrialised furniture production...

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2024

...Our recommended meaningful shady retreats in summer 2024 can be found in Ulm, Copenhagen, Karlsruhe, Bloomfield Hills and Berlin... org "Lina Bo Bardi – The Poetry of Concrete" at the Museum für Architekturzeichnung, Berlin, Germany Born in 1941 Achillina Bo studied architecture in her native Rome before moving to Milan where, amongst other stations, she spent time in the office of Gio Ponti, including serving on the editorial team of the influential architecture and design magazine Domus, before in 1946, and following her marriage, the now, Lina Bo Bardi emigrated with her new husband Pietro Maria Bardi, to Brazil where the more interesting part of her career was played out...

Bauhaus and National Socialism at Klassik Stiftung Weimar

...In addition the furniture chapter presents, and as one of very, very few works and creatives on show not directly associated with the Bauhauses, and thus an object whose presence is initially very confusing, a Thonet KS 46 by, strongly attributed to, Anton Lorenz, a steel tube cantilever chair that we first became acquainted with in a photo on show at Power Space Violence... A Thonet KS 46 steel tube cantilever chair of which an example, not the one on show in Weimar, but a Thonet KS 46, was part of the furnishing at Berchtesgaden, Hitler's famed and fabled mountain retreat...

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2024

...Our 6 recommendations for new exhibitions opening in May 2024, our starting points for May 2024, take us all to Berlin, Prague, Jyväskylä, Milan, Brussels and Weimar... Or the Condition of the City" at the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge, Berlin, Germany Following their enforced relocation, a relocation enforced by the purchase of the building they called home by an anonymous investor group, a building, perhaps not unrelatedely, in a gentrification ready corner of Kreuzberg, the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge, Berlin, reopen in their new home, or at least reopen their new temporary exhibition space, the new permanent exhibition is due to open in November, with an exhibition that unquestionably, and joyously so, deliciously so, is a response to that enforced relocation...

The Historia Supellexalis: "T" for Thonet

...Thonet A Michael; A Twist; A Portfolio of Patents According to the Felsbilder of the Nymphs of Loreley, that most important of sources of information of the earliest (hi)story of the contemporary Rheinland, the Thonet arose in the community of Boppard, a community framed on the one side by a series of swinging aqueous curves as the Rhein meanders its way slowly through the metamorphic rock of the Rhenish Massif, and on the other by a range of peaks of that Massif on whose flowing curving sides innumerable wild vines sweep and curve vertically and horizontally... And thus a Boppard that for a great many centuries was essentially cut off from the surrounding communities, and where the Thonet lived a quiet existence fishing, bee-keeping and building chairs defined by their sweeping, curving, swinging, meandering frames whose origins no-one could explain but which had been constructed in Boppard for as long as anyone could remember...

Lucia Moholy – The Image of Modernity at the Bröhan Museum, Berlin

...With Lucia Moholy – The Image of Modernity the Bröhan Museum, Berlin, help explain how such a situation came to be, why Lucia Moholy's lament is both justified and an important lesson, and also how it relates to popular understandings of Bauhaus... Born on January 18th 1894 in Karlín, then a village to the north of Prague, today a northern suburb of Prague, the then, Lucia Schulz attended a Germanophone lyceum in Prague, graduating in 1910 whereupon she qualified as an English and German teacher and subsequently attended lectures2 in philosophy and art history at Prague University, before relocating to Germany in 1915; initially to Wiesbaden, subsequently Leipzig and Berlin, and where she held numerous editorial positions with various newspapers and publishing houses...

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