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AJ Roman Table Clock
AJ City Hall Wall Clock
AJ Roman Wall Clock
AJ City Hall Bordur Tischuhr
AJ Station Table Clock
AJ Bankers Wall Clock
AJ Station Wall Clock
AJ LK Table Clock
AJ Bankers Table Clock

The AJ Clocks

LK table clock by Arne Jacobsen

The architect and designer Arne Jacobsen is one of the most important protagonists of Scandinavian design. In addition to important buildings, his work includes numerous pieces of furniture, product and interior designs, which he often developed especially for his architectural designs. Whether in large or, as with the Arne Jacobsen clocks, on a small scale - Jacobsen's precise, functional forms shaped an aesthetics that was innovative and ahead of its time, and is still trend-setting today. The legendary AJ clocks were created over a period of about 30 years and were to be used in various public buildings in Denmark, including some for which Jacobsen was the architect himself. For example, in 1942 the Roman Clock was created for Aarhus Town Hall, Jacobsen developed the City Hall Clock for Rodovere Town Hall in 1956, and the Bankers Clock was built in 1971 for the National Bank of Denmark. Today, the high quality AJ watches are faithfully re-issued by Rosendahl and are due to their simple, precise design still reliable time keepers and aesthetic eye-catchers in one. Rosendahl holds the exclusive production licenses and adheres to Arne Jacobsen's designs during production.

Elegant Jacobsen clock from Rosendahl

Rosendahl wall clock by Arne Jacobsen

AJ City Hall Royal wall clock from Arne Jacobsen and Rosendahl

Arne Jacobsen clock from Rosendahl

AJ Bankers table clock by Arne Jacobsen

More about 'Arne Jacobsen' in our journal

Gesamtkunstwerke – Architecture by Arne Jacobsen and Otto Weitling in Germany at Felleshus, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin

...Outwith his native Denmark, the country home to the most architectural works by Arne Jacobsen is Germany... As does Arne Jacobsen's partner on his German projects: Otto Weitling With the showcase Gesamtkunstwerke – Architecture by Arne Jacobsen and Otto Weitling in Germany, the Felleshus Berlin not only set the record straight but allow for some fresh reflections on both Arne Jacobsen and our relationships to and with architecture and our built environments...

Arne Jacobsen – Designing Denmark at Trapholt, Kolding

..."Hvis jeg får et nyt liv, vil jeg være gartner", opined once the Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen... "If I have another life, I want to be a gardener" Not that, as Arne Jacobsen – Designing Denmark at Trapholt, Kolding, would tend to imply, he made an incorrect career choice...

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for September 2020

..."Arne Jacobsen – Designing Denmark" at Trapholt, Kolding, Denmark He didn't... There can however be little question of the contribution of Arne Jacobsen to the (hi)story of, and understandings of, design in Denmark...

An Easter Egg...... or, A stay at home Eastertide hunt for Arne Jacobsen's Egg......

...The 3316 Easy Chair by Arne Jacobsen a... - and which saw each of the five Nordic nations present a self-initiated room installation: Sweden presenting a theatre foyer with furniture by Bruno Mathsson; Norway recreating the "vestibule of a high mountain hotel"; Iceland "the atmosphere of the museum"; Finland, and pushing national stereotypes as far as they could without breaking them, a sauna anteroom, while Denmark was represented by a presentation of "la chambre d'hôtel moderne" by Professor Arne Jacobsen, the catalogue noting that "this theme is particularly topical because M...

Lost Furniture Design Classics: Office Furniture by Arne Jacobsen for the American Scandinavian Society

...At the same time as he was developing the Ant Chair, Arne Jacobsen created a one-off range of office furniture that arguably represents the first tangible evidence of his move away from the natural materials and traditional handicrafts of his pre-war furniture and onto the mixed media, industrial products that have ultimately come to define his work... In 1951/52 - the records are a little unclear here - Arne Jacobsen was commissioned by the Copenhagen based shipping company Burmeister & Wain to produce a gift for the American Scandinavian Society and designed a desk, coffee table and side chair group...

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